The legendary researcher Jordan Maxwell reveals the truth about Jesus, Moses and Christianity. Religion is a tool to keep humanity enslaved.
Jordan Maxwell Reveals the Truth about Jesus and Moses
Jesus represents in the story a symbol. It’s a metaphor, and Jesus is a metaphor for the sun. And so, boiling it down, Christianity is sun worship based on astrology, because nobody owns the sun. Africans don’t own it, and we don’t own the sun, so obviously the sun belongs to God – so it’s God’s sun [and/or son] and he’s the light of the world. Of course the sun’s the light of the world. What else lights the world if it’s not the sun? And he has twelve helpers. Yeah, of course, the twelve signs of the Zodiac, the twelve months of the year.
He is our risen savior. Of course; it rises every morning about 5:30, and the sun is your savior. If it don’t come up, we’re dead.
So once you start breaking down the symbols in the New Testament, you begin to see that Christianity is basically Astrology and sun worship, but it has been so well hidden and so cleverly disguised. Once you start breaking it down and reading the whole story, it becomes overwhelmingly obvious that this is what we are talking about.
He has a virgin birth; he’s born of a virgin -- of course virgin birth, because one of the constellations of the Zodiac is Virgo, Virgo the virgin.
Let me give you an example of how this works. On the first day of summer, the very first day of summer, the sun is as high in the northern hemisphere as it’s going to go. It doesn’t go any further north.
The first day of summer, the sun is high in the northern hemisphere and it begins to work its way south. Each day it moves one degree, and as it moves one degree each day, 90 days later or 90 degrees later, it’s half-way down. So now we say that the sun was the Lion King in summer, the Lion King because the sun was in the constellation of Leo... the Lion King from Disney.
But then as the sun moves southward it finally hits Scorpio. So God’s sun [and/or son] was really hot. He was the Lion King but now he’s falling, so now we call that fall because he’s fallen, and he’s falling south, so it moves into fall in Scorpio.
This is why Judas gives Jesus the kiss of death because Judas represents Scorpio and Scorpio gives God’s sun [and/or son], the light of the world, the kiss of death and now he’s going to die in Capricorn. He’s going to die and go all the way down.
But what’s interesting about this is that the sun goes all the way down south until it hits what is called the Winter Solstice and that’s on December 22nd.
The sun hits the lowest point on the sky in the south on December 22nd. It’s called the Winter Solstice, the beginning of winter, and for three days... the United States Navy will show and explain it to you, that the sun comes up for three days, the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th on the same degree. It doesn’t go any further south and it doesn’t come back north. On the same degree that it was on on December 22nd, the sun rises the next two days, 23rd and 24th, on the same degree. So the ancient people said that the sun [and/or son] was alive. It was the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Leo, who got the kiss of death from Scorpio, and now for three days he’s not moving at all, so therefore he’s in his tomb for three days.
Then on the 25th of December, the sun moves one degree northward, and you can calculate that as the Navy does. You can calculate it. It’s very slight, but if you’ve got the right instruments you can see the sun move one degree northward. Therefore, it came back to life.
So now we celebrate God’s sun[and/or son] being born again. He’s born again. When? On December 25th, so we celebrate Christmas or Christ Mass.
As the sun moves back towards the northern hemisphere, it crosses over the equator at spring because he was dead in winter now he’s springing back to life.
So as he comes back to life and crosses over the equator there was a celebration called the Passover because the sun has passed over the equator, coming back to the northern hemisphere.
So today when someone dies we say: Grandmother passed last night. Grandfather passed away, or they passed on; but always passed was associated with death. So God’s sun [and/or son] has passed over the equator.
So once a year around the world the Jews celebrate the Passover, which is nothing more than the sun passing over the equator.
Christians, of course, cannot do that because that’s Jewish and they wouldn’t want to have anything to do with the Jewish celebration, so Christians have a totally different celebration. They call it the Resurrection of God’s son.
And so they go out on the Passover and go out and have something called the Easter sunrise service. So you actually have Christians going out and waiting for the sun to come up for something called a sunrise service. I mean, what is that all about? Christians are worshipping the sun?
And then when you start looking at how the word S-O-N and S-U-N are interchangeable in Christianity... and God knows there’s a lot of information on that.
So basically you boil down Christianity as sun worship / Astrology. The Old Testament is Astrology / sun worship. Yahweh, as I said, was associated with the sun and the planet Saturn.
Let me give you another example about the ancient religions of the world.
Moses was a lunar deity. Moses was the leader of the Moon cult. This is why in all the paintings and sculpturing in Europe you always see Moses wearing horns. Have you ever seen that? Moses wearing horns? It’s in the Vatican. It’s in all the museums of the world.
Why is Moses always pictured with horns? Because Moses was the leader of a lunar cult, the Moon worshippers.
So at one time the Jews were worshippers of the Moon and that period of time we call the period of Moses.
This is why the Native Americans, their chiefs wore horns. The Vikings wore horns, because all of these cults, cultures – Native Americans, Vikings, and the ancient people of the Middle East – worshipped the Moon.
The Moon, of course, in the lower quarter was the horns, and this is why they wore horns.
In Arabia there’s a high mountain range and at night from the Egyptian side, the Moon comes up in the east. It comes up from a mountain range, and so the ancient peoples believed that the Moon was a god and that it lived in the mountain and so their religious celebrations of the Old Man of the Mountain, the Moon god.
In the ancient Arabic system the Moon god was called Sin, S-I-N. That was his name.
The Moon god of Arabia was Sin, and a mountain in the ancient language a mountain was spelt A-I. So you take a mountain – Ai – with the god who lived in the mountain, the Moon god – Sin – and put it together and it becomes Sin-Ai.
So you get all the... Moses goes up into Sinai. No. It’s Sin-Ai, the mountain of the Moon god. This is why Jews have their celebration after sundown, because that’s when the Moon comes out.
They don’t have their celebration during the day because that’s when the sun’s out, so that’s the time for Christians to celebrate God’s sun [and/or son]. The Jews are worshipping the Moon god, Sin.
So I don’t intend to... I’m not trying to offend anyone, but I’m just trying to tell you where religions come from. Religions have been given to us by the same people who gave us our government, our banks, our educational institutions. Our whole entire ruddy system in Western civilization is based on religion, politics, sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll.
It’s just business. It’s just money. It’s just the control of people.
Jesus represents in the story a symbol. It’s a metaphor, and Jesus is a metaphor for the sun. And so, boiling it down, Christianity is sun worship based on astrology, because nobody owns the sun. Africans don’t own it, and we don’t own the sun, so obviously the sun belongs to God – so it’s God’s sun [and/or son] and he’s the light of the world. Of course the sun’s the light of the world. What else lights the world if it’s not the sun? And he has twelve helpers. Yeah, of course, the twelve signs of the Zodiac, the twelve months of the year.
He is our risen savior. Of course; it rises every morning about 5:30, and the sun is your savior. If it don’t come up, we’re dead.
So once you start breaking down the symbols in the New Testament, you begin to see that Christianity is basically Astrology and sun worship, but it has been so well hidden and so cleverly disguised. Once you start breaking it down and reading the whole story, it becomes overwhelmingly obvious that this is what we are talking about.
He has a virgin birth; he’s born of a virgin -- of course virgin birth, because one of the constellations of the Zodiac is Virgo, Virgo the virgin.
Let me give you an example of how this works. On the first day of summer, the very first day of summer, the sun is as high in the northern hemisphere as it’s going to go. It doesn’t go any further north.
The first day of summer, the sun is high in the northern hemisphere and it begins to work its way south. Each day it moves one degree, and as it moves one degree each day, 90 days later or 90 degrees later, it’s half-way down. So now we say that the sun was the Lion King in summer, the Lion King because the sun was in the constellation of Leo... the Lion King from Disney.
But then as the sun moves southward it finally hits Scorpio. So God’s sun [and/or son] was really hot. He was the Lion King but now he’s falling, so now we call that fall because he’s fallen, and he’s falling south, so it moves into fall in Scorpio.
This is why Judas gives Jesus the kiss of death because Judas represents Scorpio and Scorpio gives God’s sun [and/or son], the light of the world, the kiss of death and now he’s going to die in Capricorn. He’s going to die and go all the way down.
But what’s interesting about this is that the sun goes all the way down south until it hits what is called the Winter Solstice and that’s on December 22nd.
The sun hits the lowest point on the sky in the south on December 22nd. It’s called the Winter Solstice, the beginning of winter, and for three days... the United States Navy will show and explain it to you, that the sun comes up for three days, the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th on the same degree. It doesn’t go any further south and it doesn’t come back north. On the same degree that it was on on December 22nd, the sun rises the next two days, 23rd and 24th, on the same degree. So the ancient people said that the sun [and/or son] was alive. It was the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Leo, who got the kiss of death from Scorpio, and now for three days he’s not moving at all, so therefore he’s in his tomb for three days.
Then on the 25th of December, the sun moves one degree northward, and you can calculate that as the Navy does. You can calculate it. It’s very slight, but if you’ve got the right instruments you can see the sun move one degree northward. Therefore, it came back to life.
So now we celebrate God’s sun[and/or son] being born again. He’s born again. When? On December 25th, so we celebrate Christmas or Christ Mass.
As the sun moves back towards the northern hemisphere, it crosses over the equator at spring because he was dead in winter now he’s springing back to life.
So as he comes back to life and crosses over the equator there was a celebration called the Passover because the sun has passed over the equator, coming back to the northern hemisphere.
So today when someone dies we say: Grandmother passed last night. Grandfather passed away, or they passed on; but always passed was associated with death. So God’s sun [and/or son] has passed over the equator.
So once a year around the world the Jews celebrate the Passover, which is nothing more than the sun passing over the equator.
Christians, of course, cannot do that because that’s Jewish and they wouldn’t want to have anything to do with the Jewish celebration, so Christians have a totally different celebration. They call it the Resurrection of God’s son.
And so they go out on the Passover and go out and have something called the Easter sunrise service. So you actually have Christians going out and waiting for the sun to come up for something called a sunrise service. I mean, what is that all about? Christians are worshipping the sun?
And then when you start looking at how the word S-O-N and S-U-N are interchangeable in Christianity... and God knows there’s a lot of information on that.
So basically you boil down Christianity as sun worship / Astrology. The Old Testament is Astrology / sun worship. Yahweh, as I said, was associated with the sun and the planet Saturn.
Let me give you another example about the ancient religions of the world.
Moses was a lunar deity. Moses was the leader of the Moon cult. This is why in all the paintings and sculpturing in Europe you always see Moses wearing horns. Have you ever seen that? Moses wearing horns? It’s in the Vatican. It’s in all the museums of the world.
Why is Moses always pictured with horns? Because Moses was the leader of a lunar cult, the Moon worshippers.
So at one time the Jews were worshippers of the Moon and that period of time we call the period of Moses.
This is why the Native Americans, their chiefs wore horns. The Vikings wore horns, because all of these cults, cultures – Native Americans, Vikings, and the ancient people of the Middle East – worshipped the Moon.
The Moon, of course, in the lower quarter was the horns, and this is why they wore horns.
In Arabia there’s a high mountain range and at night from the Egyptian side, the Moon comes up in the east. It comes up from a mountain range, and so the ancient peoples believed that the Moon was a god and that it lived in the mountain and so their religious celebrations of the Old Man of the Mountain, the Moon god.
In the ancient Arabic system the Moon god was called Sin, S-I-N. That was his name.
The Moon god of Arabia was Sin, and a mountain in the ancient language a mountain was spelt A-I. So you take a mountain – Ai – with the god who lived in the mountain, the Moon god – Sin – and put it together and it becomes Sin-Ai.
So you get all the... Moses goes up into Sinai. No. It’s Sin-Ai, the mountain of the Moon god. This is why Jews have their celebration after sundown, because that’s when the Moon comes out.
They don’t have their celebration during the day because that’s when the sun’s out, so that’s the time for Christians to celebrate God’s sun [and/or son]. The Jews are worshipping the Moon god, Sin.
So I don’t intend to... I’m not trying to offend anyone, but I’m just trying to tell you where religions come from. Religions have been given to us by the same people who gave us our government, our banks, our educational institutions. Our whole entire ruddy system in Western civilization is based on religion, politics, sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll.
It’s just business. It’s just money. It’s just the control of people.
This makes sense. Thanks for explaining. The video has been deleted. Can you share an updated link?
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