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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Qualifications of a Teacher Good Conduct by Jiddu Krishnamurthy

Source: www.hinduwebsite.com
An essay on qualifications of a teacher good conduct by Jiddu Krishnamurthy
3. Tolerance

You must feel perfect tolerance for all, and a hearty interest in the beliefs of those of another religion, just as much as your own. For their religion is a path to the highest, just as yours is. And to help all, you must understand all. But in order to gain this perfect tolerance, you must yourself first be free from (bigotry) and (superstition.)

You must learn that no ceremonies are necessary; else you will think yourself somehow better than those who do not perform them. Yet you must not condemn others who still cling to ceremonies. Let them do as they will; only they must not interfere with you who know the truth - they must not try to force upon you that which you have outgrown. Make allowance for everything: be kindly towards everything. Now that your eyes are opened, some of your old beliefs, your old ceremonies, may seem to you absurd; perhaps, indeed, they really are so. Yet though you can no longer take part in them, respect them for the sake of those good souls to whom they are still important. They have their place, they have their use; they are like those double lines which guided you as a child to write straight and evenly, until you learnt to write far better and freely without them. There was a time when you needed them; but now that time is past.A great Teacher once wrote: 'When I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things.' Yet he who has forgotten his childhood and lost sympathy with the children is not the man who can teach them or help them. So look kindly, gently, tolerantly upon all; but upon all alike, Buddhist or Hindu, Jain or Jew, Christian or Muhammedan.


Source: www.kemetway.com
Evidence exposing the fabrication of Christianity as stolen Kemetic / Egyptian religious philosophy and spirituality, including its rituals and beliefs, reframed in an Aryan image
Gerald Massey's comparative list of Kemetic / Egyptian (pre-Christian) religious-philosophical data, Christianized in the Canonical Gospels and the Book of Revelation.
One questions that always arise is: 'If Kemet / Egypt was so great what happened?' The question is brief yet the answer takes days, weeks and even years to answer. What happened to Kemet / Egypt was not an overnight event but was a process of destruction resulting from the Aryan (European and Arab) onslaught lasting more than three thousand (3,000 years) - from 1,500 BCE till 1,500 AD. The onslaught continues to this day with a militarily defeated population having to endure invading predators digging over and for remains (read treasures) of the Kemet / Egyptian ancestors. In addition, having to endure identity theft of epic proportions against absurd claims that Kemet civilization was of Aryan (European, Arab [Semitic]) origins. We now have the destroyers claiming to have created the very civilization they have, and continue, to destroy. What a horror story!

Our Sun's Dark Twin

Source: www.youtube.com
Nemesis is a brown dwarf, unlit sun, which is the other part of our binary solar system. Planet X Nibiru's 3600 year elliptical orbit is easily understood, explained, and justified by the reality of nemesis.
Nemesis is a brown dwarf, unlit sun, which is the other part of our binary solar system. Planet X Nibiru's 3600 year elliptical orbit is easily understood, explained, and justified by the reality of nemesis.


From Carl Sagan (Comet-1985)
“…Consider [this]: The Sun has a DARK SISTER. Long ago, before even great grandmother’s time, the two suns danced together in the sky. But the DARK ONE was jealous that her sister was so much brighter, and in her rage she cursed us for not loving her, and loosed comets upon the world. A terrible winter came, and darkness fell and bitter cold, and almost every living thing perished. After many seasons, the Bright Sister returned to her children, and it was warm and light once more, and life was renewed. But the DARK SISTER IS NOT DEAD. She is only in hiding. ONE DAY SHE WILL RETURN [and the Demon Sun’s entourage will attack again—GJ]…”
Page 304.

Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens face to face

Source: www.youtube.com
This excerpt is from the History Channel's 'Ape to Man' program. This clip shows Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens come face to face with each other in Europe about 40,000 years BCE.
This excerpt is from the History Channel's 'Ape to Man' program. This clip shows Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens come face to face with each other in Europe about 40,000 years BCE.

Evolution Homo Sapiens Versus Neaderthals

Source: www.youtube.com
http://www.myspace.com/acorvettes About 100,000 years ago, a diverse group of hominids, or humanlike species, occupied Earth. By 30,000 years ago, however, only Homo sapiens—the most modern species—remained. ...
Evolution Homo Sapiens Versus Neaderthals
About 100,000 years ago, a diverse group of hominids, or humanlike species, occupied Earth. By 30,000 years ago, however, only Homo sapiens—the most modern species—remained. One of the most hotly debated issues in paleoanthropology, the study of human origins, focuses on how Homo sapiens evolved to outlive the other hominids.


Source: www.youtube.com
“You have to know the past to understand the present.” Dr. Carl Sagan

Dr Delbert Blair 2010: Our Story, Moon, Sun

Dance, Monkeys, Dance

Source: www.youtube.com
Excellent presentation on contextualizing mankind and the meaning of its existence.
“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.” Stephen Hawking

The new analysis of the rhesus monkey genome, conducted by an international consortium of more than 170 scientists, also reveals that humans and the macaques share about 93 percent of their DNA. By comparison, humans and chimpanzees share about 98 to 99 percent of their DNA.

The fact that rhesus monkeys are further away from humans in evolution will help illuminate what makes humans different from other apes in ways that chimps, which are so closely related to us, could not, Gibbs said. (Rhesus monkey ancestors diverged from those of humans roughly 25 million years ago, while chimpanzees diverged from our lineage 6 million years ago.)

Genesis Revisited

Source: www.youtube.com
'Genesis Revisited - A Scientific Creation Story' Video 'Genesis Revisited' by • http://www.youtube.com/norwonk (Subscribe!) Text: 'Genesis Revisited - A Scientific Creation Story' by Michael Shermer ('Why Darwin Matters'). ...
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. Carl Sagan

I can find in my undergraduate classes, bright students who do not know that the stars rise and set at night, or even that the Sun is a star. Carl Sagan

Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep thoughts can be winnowed from deep nonsense. Carl Sagan

Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people. Carl Sagan

Science & Homosexuality: Nature vs. Nurture

Source: www.youtube.com
What has Science discovered so far about the question over Homosexuality and its inheritable biologic or lifestyle choice debate? Is being Gay a choice? Or are people born Gay? Nature or Nurture? fMRI ...
Science & Homosexuality: Nature vs. Nurture,What has Science discovered so far about the question over Homosexuality and its inheritable biologic or lifestyle choice debate? Is being Gay a choice? Or are people born Gay? Nature or Nurture?

Life, the Universe, and Everything 01/05

Source: www.youtube.com
Life, the Universe, and Everything! This is a time sequence of the Evolution of our Universe. Big Bang, followed by inflation, reheating or the birth of matter, birth and death of the first stars, and the ongoing formation and growth of galaxies. ...
Life, the Universe, and Everything 01/05

The Search For Earth-Like Planets

Source: www.youtube.com
The search for Earth-like planets is reaching a fever-pitch. Does the evidence so far help shed light on the ancient question: Is the galaxy filled with life, or is Earth just a beautiful, lonely aberration? ...
The Search For Earth-Like Planets

Morning Ritual

Source: www.thissideofsanity...
Morning Ritual to honor Isis and Bast.
Morning Rtual was one of the holiest of all ancient Egyptian rituals, a greeting of the rising sun in honor of either Bast or Isis.

Early Christianity originally viewed women as property (livestock) and didn’t believe that women even had souls. Therefore, Christianity overlooked women’s spirituality and ignored the religious practices of women. While Christian soldiers were slaughtering millions of pagan men, they left women to worship whomever they pleased. Most women worshipped Isis or Bast.

Most commonly done nude, it included singing and chanting, sometimes set to music (especially the shaking of the sistrum). Neter Sentra, or incense, was burned, with a combination of cannabis hemp flowers and cinnamon being the most common ingredients. The ritual also involved cunnilingus.

Shortly before the sunrise, worshippers of Bast or Isis would light their incense. The incense was believed to carry the wishes, dreams, and desires of the participants to the Goddess.

Cunnilingus was viewed as an important and central part of Morning Ritual. The ancient Egyptians believed that the vaginal fluids produced during orgasm had magick properties. They called these fluids the “nectar of the Goddess” and believed that this was what gave the deities their immortality. They also believed that if a human drank the nectar of the Goddess every morning at sunrise, that the human would also attain immortality. At the very least, the drinking of the nectar of the Goddess was viewed as an important component for general health.

http://www.thissideofsanity.com/dianic/mornrit.htmlI had


Source: www.godisnowhereonline.info
'Our treasure lies in the beehive of our knowledge. We are perpetually on the way thither, being by nature winged insects and honey gatherers of the mind.'
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German philosopher.

What is a Blessed Bee?
ME! Melissa means 'honeybee' in ancient Greek.

Honey is the only natural food made without destroying any form of life. Honey is also the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible. After his death, Alexander the Great's remains were preserved in a huge crock of honey. Among the ancient Egyptians, its was common practice to bury the dead in this manner.

Bee carvings have been found on the temple walls of ancient Egyptians. Indeed, references to honey and its healing powers are found in ancient papyri dating back to 5000 BC. Bee pollen then and now is described by some as 'a life-giving dust'. Welsh and Celtic folklore has abundant references to the sweet substance. At one point in their history, the Welsh paid their taxes in measures of honey.

Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, wrote, 'Honey and pollen cause warmth, clean sores and ulcers, soften hard ulcers of lips, heal carbuncles and running sores.'

The Inspirational and Immortal Bee

Bees are, in many different cultures, a symbol of hope, and also inspire cleanliness, social organization, diligence, tireless work, honey-sweet rhetoric, intelligence, and poetry. The bee and its produce has long been recognised as inspirational, for the poets and singers of old were said to have been touched by ‘the spirit of the skilled bee’ and the gods sent bees to the lips of those whom they inspired, or anointed their mouths with honey. Plato, Virgil and Sophocles had their lips touched with honey in infancy. The bee seems to be a symbol of the original source of all life and inspiration. Indeed, the bee was usually looked upon as a symbol of the potency of nature, because while creating a magickal elixir, known for its preservation properties, they were also pollinating flowers, increasing plant fertility, and abundance. Because of these symbolic meanings, the bee has been used as an emblem by those who wish to associate themselves with the inspiration of the Gods.

The bee and its wax are important symbols for initiates of mystery religions. Beeswax was prized for the making of votive images in Pagan temples. Wax representations of various parts of the body in need of healing were offered to the Gods. Beeswax was vital even to the Roman Church, so vital that before the Reformation no abbey or monastery was without its colony of bees and resident Beekeeper. The chief church in Wittenburg was reported to have used 3,000 lbs of wax. Literary parallels were drawn between the humble, industrious and chaste bee and the monks in their monasteries, or the Church as a whole with the Pope as ‘King Bee’. The bee was even considered symbolic of Christ and Mary, for the bees were said to 'produce posterity yet retain their virginity'.

Sacred Insects

Source: www.kendall-bioresea...
Consulting Services for all aspects of rural, urban and domestic entomology, insect identification, biology, ecology, pesticides.
According to one egyptian myth, honey bees (scientific name Apis mellifera) were the tears of the sun god Ra. Their religious significance extended to an association with the goddess Neith, whose temple in the delta town of Sais in Lower Egypt [map] was known as per-bit - meaning 'the house of the bee'. Honey was regarded as a symbol of resurrection and also thought to give potection against evil spirits. Small pottery flasks, which according to the hieratic inscriptions on the side originally contained honey, were found in the tomb of the boy-king, Tutankhamun.

Throughout ancient egyptian history the bee has been strongly associated with royal titles. In Predynastic and early Dynastic times, before the union of Upper and Lower Egypt, the rulers of Lower Egypt used the title bit - meaning 'he of the bee', usually translated as 'King of Lower Egypt' or 'King of North', whereas the rulers of Upper Egypt were called nesw - meaning 'he of the sedge', translated as 'King of Upper Egypt' or 'King of the South'. In later times, after the union of Upper and Lower Egypt, the pharaoh rulers used the title nesw-bit - meaning 'he of the sedge and the bee', which is conventionally translated as 'King of Upper and Lower Egypt' or 'King of the South and North'.

Bee-keeping is depicted in egyptian temple reliefs as early as the 5th Dynasty (2445-2441 BC). These show that apiculture was well established in Egypt by the middle of the Old Kingdom. Records from at least one tomb workers' village during the New Kingdom (1550-1069 BC) indicate that the workmen there kept bees and this was doubtless true of other communities throughout egyptian history. Bee-keeping is also depicted in some 18th and 26th Dynasty tombs. Bees were certainly of great importance in providing honey, which was used both as the principal sweetener in the egyptian diet and as a base for medicinal ointments. The egyptians also collected beeswax for use as a mould-former in metal castings and also for use as a paint-varnish.

The bee hieroglyph was used to represent the word bit - meaning 'bee' or 'honey', or the royal title 'King of Lower Egypt' or 'King of the North'.


Source: www.lunedemiel.tm.fr
According to the ancient Greeks, all of Nature's phenomena had divine origins. Bees were a source of great fascination, and their mysterious origins inspired the legend of Aristæus: Aristæus, the son of the god Apollo, had a beehive. ...
The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth is Nature.
If you are searching for a Neter,(GOD) observe Nature!
All is within yourself. Know your most inward self and look for what corresponds with it in nature.
Egyptian Proverbs

Bee symbolism:
As the workers of the hive, bees are symbol of an industrious and prosperous community governed by the queen bee. They have therefore symbolized all that is royal and imperial , in France and in ancient Egypt (associated with Râ, the Sun God).Three hundred gold bees were discovered in the tomb of Childeric I (on the year 481), which showed that the hive was the model of an absolute menarchy. Napoleon I used bees as a motif on all his carpets, as well as on his coronation robes.

Mythology of bees honey

Since time began, honey and bees have been part of the great myths of humanity and have always been extraordinarily potent symbols.
The birth of bees:

According to the ancient Greeks, all of Nature's phenomena had divine origins. Bees were a source of great fascination, and their mysterious origins inspired the legend of Aristæus: Aristæus, the son of the god Apollo, had a beehive. But he wanted to seduce Eurydice, Orpheus' wife, who died from a snake bite because she had refused Aristæus' advances. In revenge, Orpheus destroyed Aristæus' hive. To appease the wrath of the gods, Aristæus sacrified four bulls and four heifers. From their entrails, new swarms suddenly appeared, so Aristæus was able to rebuild his hive and teach beekeeping to men. . This legend is told by Virgil, the great Latin poet, in his famous ''Georgics''. Like the ancient Greeks, he believed that bees were born spontaneously from animal corpses.

In the texts of ancient Egypt, bees were born from the tears of Râ, the Sun God. When the tears fell onto the soil, they were transformed into bees that built honeycombs and produced honey.

The Bee Goddess

Source: www.thebeegoddess.com
There are some Fatessisters born,
*The queen bee is to her hiveas a goddess is to her earthlings*


Black and Missing but Not Forgotten