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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dr. Michio Kaku on The Day the Earth Stood Still and more

Source: www.youtube.com
Dr. Michio Kaku was born in 1947 in San Jose, California to Japanese immigrant parents. This is an excerpt of Kaku's interview on the Science Channel TV Show called Brink - December 2008. He discusses the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, Space, Extraterrestrials, Immortality, and more.
Dr. Michio Kaku on The Day the Earth Stood Still and more

Frances Cress Welsing's Influence In Hollywood

Source: www.youtube.com
Two major feature Black films used a portion of Dr. Welsing's philosophy of white supremacy to punctuate their points. Dr. Kwaku website: www.drkwaku.com
'The most disastrous aspect of colonization which you are the most relunctant to release from your mind is their colonization of the image of God.' Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing


Tarzan fights two lions in 'Tarzan, the Ape Man' (1932). The same scene was used again in 'Tarzan Escapes' (1936), except it was later cut out of 'Tarzan Escapes' due to excessive violence. See how it could be edited back in today. ...
I learned about Africans from watching Tazan movies as child,seeing Africans portrayed this way made me and my friends not want to have anything to do with Africa,& Africans. It wasn't until much later in life that i was taught the great contributions Africans made on this planet. This is a failure of America education, not to show the best images of people that were already beaten down by slavery and oppression. This movie contribute to so much self hatred Black people have today. Seeing a white Jesus on the walls of almost every home that i went into,in the projects of Chicago,plus all the crime,and seeing a white man portrayed as the king of Africans in a movie,was some deep programming,and all the super hero cartons,Satan Claus,and all the movies that were on T.V.

Once i started doing research i come to find out the whole concept of the hero and savior had it's origin in Africa/Egypt/Kemet' HERU/HORUS' My parents were brain washed and never had all they needed to teach my family members,this is how is is for the majority of all Black people.My mother still don't know this information and will protect what black people were given in slavery to connect with what we call God.
This is called spiritual enslavement.

My main point here is that if you are the child of God and God is a part of you, the in your imagination God suppose to look like you. And when you accept a picture of the deity assigned to you by another people, you become the spiritual prisoners of that other people. John Henrik Clarke

Examining The Virgin Birth/Resurrection Story
The Ancient Egyptian/Christian Holy Families

Jesus Saves: Exposing The International Bankers

During Saviours' Day 1995, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan exposed to the world, The International Bankers and the worldwide conspiracy to finance criminal activity under the guise of legitimate government institutions such as the Federal Reserve.
America went to war, in 1917,and Black people sued to become apart of the war' because we didn't wont to be left out of of America,so America signed us up to fight the war,and Black men died,but they didn't know what the hell they was dying for,and neither did the White one's know what they were dying for'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOe-sRUnO7Y&feature=related

A People Robbed and Spoiled

Source: www.youtube.com
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking at St. Augustine Church in New Orleans - Jan 14, 2006.
Pharaoh has already let you!!!! but it is you who has not let pharaoh go! This is why you are cripple,because you think you can not walk with out your forming slave masters,and if your former slave masters don't help you,you don't think there is any help for you. even when you talk God you live in fear of your former slave masters, and their children.

Politicians selling us out! Paying lip service to the suffering of the people' But hobnobbing with those who want to rob substance from the people. That why Jesus said,It will be easier for a Camel, to go through the eye of a needle,then for a rich man, to see the kingdom of heaven.

When we say our prayer,when the disciple said to the master,'Master' teach us how to pray.He said pray, on this wise. Our Father STOP!!!! Look at what that father did for Jesus' you tide to him and,Look at your condition!!! Your Father was Rockafella, why is there holes in your shoes?

you look to me like you have been disinherited!!!! you look to me, like a prodigal son,who took,his substance from his Father, and went off in a strange land, among strange people,trying to join himself on to be a citizen of a strange land' your problem is ,you are not now nor have you ever been a citizen of America!!!!! you are a Slave to white America!!!! I know this hurt'

It bothers me' to hear you crying ,how you an a America,but they treat you like a slave. It bothers me that you are willing to fight and die for something, that is not willing, to sacrifice nothing for you!!!! it bothers me' to hear your say ' My country tears of the,sweet land of 'tyranny'.)Of the i sing,land of white fathers pride,the land where my fathers died!!! who will help the widows son? cause sometimes we feel, like a motherless child, A long,long way, from home'

How can i sing the lords song, in a strange land? they that carried us away captive require of us, a song nobody can sing the songs of zion like us' sing ,sing ,sing for us,Negress' make us laugh,Negress,So i'll pay Cedric the entertainer,I'll pay the comedians big money,to make me laugh,while the masses of people cry' we in bad shape' very bad shape. The richest slave that ever was,you got more money,but you're poorer that you ever been in spirit!!!!

The Reality of Black Leadership

Source: www.youtube.com
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking to capacity crowd in Atlanta, GA a few weeks before the Millions More Movement in 2005. He mentions how the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) used slimy and ...
Minister Louis Farrakhan, Cathy Hues said to me: Farrakhan (Nobody can deny the truth of what you say' but when you leave the room,people have to think of their reality.
'We are so afraid to offend white people'. We are so afraid' and we read the scripture but we are not paying attention,The scripture says resist the devil,and he will flee' from you. James 4:7 (New International Version)

Why don't we try standing up? I'm your bother.I stand up' im going to die anyway, but i'm not going to die a Punk! im going to die a Man'

My dear brother and sisters,We are so gifted by God' that we need to produce a new educational paradigm,for our children,the school system, and western education, has run its course,it is finish!!!!!

It is based on white supremacy,It's not good for white children,much less brown,red,yellow,or black. I believe we can produce a better education.
We can't sell ourselves to the democratic party anymore' it is a plantation! and you house niggas, need to understand, that that's what it is!!!! Don't sell your people out! because you are hoping for something, that you will never be able to use effectively,If the masses of people don't unite behind me,why can't you walk with me?that you should listen to your enemy and deny your friend.

Minister Louis Farrakhan asks, "How can you forget?"

Tarzan's Land

Source: www.youtube.com
The real world of the famous Ape Man.
Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.” Edmund Burke quotes

'The events which transpired five thousand years ago; Five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined what will happen five minutes from now; five years From now or five thousand years from now. All history is a current event.' Dr. John Henrik Clarke

Hawaii's Last Queen Part 1/7

Source: www.youtube.com
On January 16, 1893, four boatloads of United States Marines armed with Gatling guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition came ashore in Honolulu, capital of the independent Kingdom of Hawaii. As the ...
“Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.” Edmund Burke quotes

'The events which transpired five thousand years ago; Five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined what will happen five minutes from now; five years From now or five thousand years from now. All history is a current event.' Dr. John Henrik Clarke

Wearing the mask of evangelism and the Bible as an instrument to deception, they ravaged our mother land beyond repair.

'When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They taught us to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, we had the Bible in our hand, and they had the land.' – Jomo Kenyatta, fist president of Kenya.
'When my father arrived in Kenya, he had found the Kikuyu way of life similar to that of the British at the time the Romans invaded England 2,000 years ago.' – Famous British-Kenyan archaeologist Louis Leakey.

Africa - A Time Of Trouble - The Coming Of The Europeans -Dr.John Henrik
Dr.John Henrik Clarke Quote: First place you have to deal with, something, and one of the great myths in human history,and that is the myth of the invader as civilizer and conquer' no people ever conquered ,invaded any people for the sake of civilizing them! this is true even true when blacks are invading blacks' this is true across the board. this is true every time in history. I still maintain that the invader always does more harm then good.

What followed, in 1893, was the overthrow of the hereditary monarchy of Hawaii, of Queen Lili'uokalani, an unfamiliar story to most Americans today. In Hawaii, however, the subject is anything but old hat and interpretations of what actually happened differ sharply, depending on who's telling the story.

Just over a century ago, there was an isolated kingdom called Hawaii--an independent nation, with a parliament, its own flag, a national anthem, and a beloved queen, Lili'uokalani. But in 1893, she was removed from her throne--with the help of the United States Marines. It was a great loss to her people.

When Lili'uokalani was born in 1838, the chanting lasted for days. It was the way to herald new arrivals among the ali'i, the high chiefs of the islands. But by this time, many of the old ways had already vanished. The greatest change had been brought by a small group of congregationalist missionaries from New England who had landed in the islands almost twenty years earlier. It would be their grandchildren who would one day--overthrow the queen.

By the time Lili'uokalani was born, a third of the Hawaiians were Christian, nudity was banned, the hula outlawed. The missionaries had developed a written Hawaiian language and taught virtually the entire adult population to read and write. More and more Hawaiians were accepting western ways.

Lili'uokalani was descended from generations of chiefs, revered by the Hawaiians as gods. She had been educated by Americans. A poet and composer, she dined at the White House, was a guest at Buckingham Palace. But nothing had prepared her for the crisis she would face as queen.

Liliu was well versed in Hawaiian, well versed in the western culture, and knew the values of both sides. Knew the inevitable of what was going to happen to Hawaii.

Hawaii's Last Queen — Transcript

Black and Missing but Not Forgotten