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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Mystery of Monotheism

Source: www.grahamphillips.net
Just as mysteriously as the abrupt epidemic of global aggression during the early fifteenth century BC, and at the same time, civilizations around the world suddenly adopted new gods. For example, in ...
The Celestial Disk

Just as mysteriously as the abrupt epidemic of global aggression during the early fifteenth century BC, and at the same time, civilizations around the world suddenly adopted new gods.

For example, in Turkey the Hittite civilization adopted a new god called Kumarbis; in Assyria, what is now northern Iraq, a god called Antum is first recorded; and in Syria the Mitannians suddenly embraced a new supreme deity called Ir.

Even across the ocean in Central America, later Mayan mythology speaks of a new god that brought warfare to earth at that time. In Iran another new religion was founded.

This was what became know as Zoroastrianism, and its oldest works, the Gathas, composed at exactly this time, taught the existence of a single, supreme deity called Ahura Mazda – 'The Wise Lord'. At precisely the same time a sect emerged in Egypt that revered a god called the Aten - 'The Disk'. This new religion grew over the following century and in the mid 1300s BC became for a while the national religion of Egypt, proclaiming the Aten as the only god.

Some of the earliest Chinese texts, found during excavations of the ancient city of Luoyang in eastern China, also make reference to a contemporary new sect. Dating from around 1480 BC, they refer to a cult that revered a single deity named Lao-Tien-Yeh - 'The Great God'.http://www.grahamphillips.net/eden/eden_3.htm#Fortunately

The Sun King

Source: www.youtube.com
The adoration of Aten has been observed since ancient times. We are told this adoration ended with the reign of Akenaten, however, there is much evidence to the contrary. Let us remember that there is nothing wrong with this, as the Aten is that which gives life every year. ...
Aten, the great god, lord of heaven, from whom proceeds 'life'; beneath is Amenhetep IV who is here represented conventionally as a Pharaoh.

suffered from religious madness at least, and spiritual arrogance and self-sufficiency made him oblivious to everything except his own feelings and emotions.
p. 79
Once having made up his mind that Amen and all the other 'gods' of Egypt must be swept away, Amenhetep IV determined to undertake this work without delay. After years of thought he had come to the conclusion that only the solar gods, Tem, Ra and Horus of the Two Horizons were worthy of veneration, and that some form of their worship must take the place of that of Amen. The form of the Sun-god which he chose for worship was ATEN, i.e., the solar Disk, which was the abode of Tem and later of Ra of Heliopolis. But to him the Disk was not only the abode of the Sun-god, it was the god himself, who, by means of the heat and light which emanated from his own body, gave life to everything on the earth.

To Aten Amenhetep ascribed the attributes of the old gods, Tem, Ra, Horus, Ptah, and even of Amen, and he proclaimed that Aten was 'One' and 'Alone.' But this had also been proclaimed by all the priesthoods of the old gods, Tem, Khepera, Khnem, Ra, and, later, of Amen. The worshippers of every great god in Egypt had from time immemorial declared that their god was 'One.' 'Oneness' was an attribute, it would seem, of everything that was worshipped in Egypt, just as it is in some parts of India. It is inconceivable that Amenhetep IV knew of the existence of other suns besides the sun he saw, and it was obvious that Aten, the solar disk, was one alone, and without counterpart or equal. Some light is thrown upon Amenhetep's views as to the nature of his god by the title which he gave him. This title is written within two cartouches and reads:--
'The Living Horus of the two horizons, exalted in the Eastern Horizon in his name of Shu-who-is-in-the-Disk.'

Egyptian Roots of Catholicism

Source: www.jesusneverexiste...
Uncompromising exposure of the counterfeit origins of Christianity and of the evil it has brought to the world.
Egyptian Roots of Catholicism –The Show Must Go On

Horus becomes Roman, Christian, changes name to Jesus...

Trinity and Saviour God

'The works of art, the ideas, the expressions, and the heresies of the first four centuries of the Christian era cannot be well studied without a right comprehension of the nature and influence of the Horus myth.' – W. R. Cooper, (The Horus Myth in its Relation to Christianity, p49)

Hymn to the Aten, carved relief, Tomb of Ay, Armana

Hymn to the Aten' Lord of All, Lord of heaven, Lord of EarthThy rays embrace the landsThou layest the foundations of the earthHow manifold are thy works!The ships go down and up the stream...

' Psalm 104'O Lord thou art very GreatWho coverest thyself with light as a garmentWho laid the foundations of the earthO Lord how manifold are thy works!How ships sail to and fro...'

At first glance, the Egyptian pantheon presents a bewildering array of gods but properly understood many deities were city or regional 'variations on a theme,' gods whose fortunes rose or fell with the outcome of human power struggles and dynastic change. Triumphant priests merged useful aspects of a fallen rival's deity with their own favoured god. This process of absorption, assimilation and adaptation continued throughout the Greek, Roman – and Christian eras.

In their first two centuries, the followers of Christ had no particular images of their god. Emerging as they did from Judaism they disdained 'idol worship.' They were even accused of being atheists. But once the break with Judaism was complete the Christ worshippers rapidly made up the deficiency by adapting for Christian use pagan images, rituals, sacred sites, and symbols.

This process occurred most energetically in Egypt, a land awash with religious iconography. From the 3rd century AD onwards, Egyptian Christian – 'Coptic' – art displayed a syncretistic and fused tradition – Roman, Greek and Pharaonic – with a Christian veneer. Such art faithfully reflected a deeper truth: the regurgitation of ancient religious belief in the new guise of 'Christianity.'

Though the basic Christ legend was formulated by apostate Jews (with their expectations of a conquering messiah) and pagan converts (with their fables of dying/reborn sun gods), Egypt provided Christianity with ideas NOT found in the Old Testament: immortality of the soul; judgment of the dead; reward and punishment; a triune god. Egyptian religion infused the nascent faith with its ancient credo.


Source: www.ultimateutopia.c...
The stories of Jesus and Heru are very similar,Heru and hisFather, Osiris are frequently interchangeable in the mythos ('I and my Father are one'). The legends of Heru go back thousands of years and ...
Allegory : is a figurative mode of representation conveying a meaning other than the literal.
Allegory communicates its message by means of symbolic figures, actions or symbolic representation. Allegory is generally treated as a figure of rhetoric (Rhetoric is one of the arts of using language as a means to persuade) but an allegory does not have to be expressed in language: it may be addressed to the eye, and is often found in realistic painting, sculpture or some other form of mimetic, or representative art.
The etymological meaning of the word is broader than the common use of the word. Though it is similar to other rhetorical comparisons, an allegory is sustained longer and more fully in its details than a metaphor, and appeals to imagination, while an analogy appeals to reason or logic. The fable or parable is a short allegory with one definite moral.
Since meaningful stories are nearly always applicable to larger issues, allegories may be read into many stories, sometimes distorting their author's overt meaning.

The Allegory of the Cave

Source: www.youtube.com
The conversation between Socrates and Glaucon as told by Plato in Plato's Republic chapter 7 For more information please go to http://www.18mind.com

Meditation - from Darkness to Light

Source: www.satrakshita.com
There are many different kinds of meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Vipassana, Zen, Tantric Meditation, etc.... Gautama the Buddha mentions 84000 different meditative paths to enlightenment.
What escapes the attention of these scientists is, that Christianity didn't tolerate another religion and had much more power in the middle ages than it has today. To avoid having to suffer the same fate as the Gnostics, the Alchemists used a symbolic language to hide the real purpose of what they were after from the uninitiated. It looks like they are doing a few chemical experiments, but in actual fact they describe the fundamental transformation of the human mind. They see lead, which oxidizes and becomes dull and black in time, as symbolizing a self-centered, egoistic human being, turned away from the light, who is born, grows ugly and old, suffers and eventually dies. The base characteristics of lead represent the transitoriness and mortality of man. The invulnerable, precious and permanently shining gold refers to a human being whose mind has been set free, and who is detached and enlightened; it points to the possibility of man to become immortal. To the Alchemists the Philosopher's Stone meant meditation.

Meditation as a Path to More Light
Osho called the earth 'The Lotus Paradise'. He borrowed this allegory from Zenbuddhism. The lotus is a plant that takes root down below, beneath the surface of water, in the dark, in the mud, and starts growing upwards. As soon as it raises above the surface, a lotusflower unfolds under the intense rays of the Sun.

Meditation is a 180 Degree Turn
In an allegory of Plato, a few men are kept prisoners in a cave; they are in chains which force them to face a wall. Behind them is the entrance to the cave and light coming from it. Between the entrance and the prisoners, puppeteers hold up puppets that cast shadows on the wall of the cave. What the prisoners see are shadows cast by objects they do not see. Such prisoners mistake appearance for reality. Knowing nothing of the real causes of the shadows, they think the shadows they see on the wall are what constitues reality. blind men investigating elephant Their predicament is similar to that of a group of blind men appearing in a seven hundred year old fable of Sufi Jalaluddin Rumi; each sought to examine an elephant in a dark room, and took hold of a different part – an ear, the tail, a leg. Each mistook his particular part for the whole – and became convinced that an elephant was a fan, a rope, a pillar, and so on.Back to Plato's allegory: all it takes for the prisoners to know what's real is to break the chains and turn around a 180 degrees, walk to the entrance, leave the cave and be free. Jesus calls this 180 degree turn 'metanoia', which is wrongly translated as 'repentance', but which really means 'change of mind (vision)'. Osho connects it with the withering away of all desires, which take us out into the world only to be frustrated, until our attention turns back to ourselves and finds the witnessing awareness within. Osho calls this 180 degree turn The Only Revolution; it enables us to suddenly see who we really are.


ORIGINS OF AMEN(Know of Which God U Speak Please)

Source: www.youtube.com
Allegory is a form of extended metaphor, in which objects, persons, and actions in a narrative, are equated with the meanings that lie outside the narrative itself. The underlying meaning has moral, social, religious, or political significance, and characters are often personifications of abstract ideas as charity, greed, or envy.Thus an allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.
Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble.Joseph Campbell

God is a metaphor for that which trancends all levels of intellectual thought. It's as simple as that.Joseph Campbell


'Hell' as an invention of the church

Source: www.youtube.com
John Shelby Spong, retired Episcopal bishop from Newark, N.J., talks about why Christianity must change its view of hell. Spong is one of the leading spokepersons for liberal Christianity.
Future is Now, The
Para 10:So we are asking: what is energy? (Sound of crows) That crow calling is part of energy. Right? The trees, the birds, the stars, the moon, the rising of the sun, and setting of the sun, it is all energy. Right? Probably you doubt it but it doesn't matter. And whatever you speak requires energy, the first cry of the baby out of the womb, that cry is part of that energy. Right? To play a violin, to speak, to marry, sex, everything on earth requires energy. Right? So we are enquiring together what is this energy, what is the origin, what is the source, how has it begun, who created this energy? Please, carefully, don't say, 'god' and run away with that. I don't accept god. The speaker has no gods. Is that all right? You accept that? You will accept anything, so it doesn't matter, I will go on.

So without experience there is no knowledge. The scientists are adding everyday something new. Please follow this carefully, if you don't mind. Experience is limited. Right? Because we are adding more and more to it, through knowledge. Experience, knowledge stored in the brain as memory and then that is the beginning of thought. Right? Am I right? Or are you right? What do you say? god, don't you feel anything? So experience is always limited. Right? Because you are adding more and more and more everyday in the scientific world, in your own life you learn something more. So experience is limited, therefore knowledge is limited, memory is limited and therefore thought is limited. Right? Am I sane or insane? And we live by thought. So we never recognise, though thought can imagine the most extraordinary heaven and hell - the Olympic gods of the Greeks, the Egyptian gods - do you know anything about all that? No, it doesn't matter.

So thought, which has planned this society, which has divided the world into Asia and Europe, the communist, the socialist, the capitalist, and the democratic republican - all that is created by thought. It is simple. The army, the navy, the airforce, to kill, not only for transportation but also to kill. This is obvious, isn't it? So thought is very important in our life because without thought we can't do anything. Right? For you to come here from a distance required planning, adjusting, taking a train, aeroplane, taking a bus, etc., etc., all that is part of your thinking. Right? So what is thinking? You work it out, don't listen to me. What is thinking? You can't live without a certain kind of thinking. Right? Planning, going back to your house, going back to do your work and so on, you are married, sex and... everything is contained in the process of thought. So what is thinking? The speaker has talked about it a lot, so don't go back to his books. Don't say, 'Yes, I have heard that before'. But here you forget all the books, all the things you have read because we must approach this each time anew. So thinking is based on knowledge. Right? If you had no knowledge, how to come here, or take a bus or this or that, you wouldn't be here. So knowledge, memory, thought. Right? And we have accumulated tremendous knowledge: how to sell each other, how to exploit each other, how to build bridges, how to create gods and temples - we have done all that. The various ashramas where they're all... you know all that business - concentration camps of a certain kind. So thought has done all this. Created the army, the navy, the aeroplane. Thought has also, through knowledge, temples and all that business. So without experience there is no knowledge. Right? Be logical sirs. Logic is necessary up to a certain point. But if you start without logic, clarity then you can do... you become superstitious, imaginative, coming to conclusions, building temples and all that kind of nonsense.


Source: www.youtube.com
'My main point here is that if you are the child of God and God is a part of you, the in your imagination God suppose to look like you. And when you accept a picture of the deity assigned to you by another ...
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)

Egyptology: Amen-Ra, the Lord of the Pyramid, Egyptian Messiah Tale.

Source: www.youtube.com
This is part of a presentation by Jordan Maxwell. Alright, so of the many things I discovered early in life it is that what is being spoke of here, is very much a historical fact. Granted Egypt has ...
Amun Amun depicted with a tall feather crownAmun depicted with a tall feather crownGod of creation and the windName in hieroglyphs i mnn C12Major cult center Thebes Symbol two vertical plumes, the ram-headed Sphinx (Criosphinx)Parents none (self-created)Consort Mutv • d • e
Amun, reconstructed Egyptian Yamānu (also spelled Amon, Amoun, Amen, and rarely Imen, Greek Ἄμμων Ammon, and Ἅμμων Hammon), was a deity in Egyptian mythology and Berber Mythology who in the form of Amun-Ra became the focus of the most complex system of theology in Ancient Egypt. Whilst remaining hypostatic deities, Amun represented the essential and hidden, whilst in Ra he represented revealed divinity. As the creator deity 'par excellence', he was the champion of the poor and central to personal piety. Amun was self created, without mother and father, and during the New Kingdom he became the greatest expression of transcendental deity in Egyptian theology. He was not considered to be immanent within creation nor was creation seen as an extension of himself. Amun-Ra, likewise with the Hebrew creator deity, did not physically engender the universe. His position as King of gods developed to the point of virtual monotheism where other gods became manifestations of him. With Osiris, Amun-Ra is the most widely recorded of the Egyptian gods.[1]

Black and Missing but Not Forgotten