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Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Tao of Kung Fu #21 - "We only know good because of evil"

Source: www.youtube.com
Learn more about this philosophy here..... This is another clip from 'The Hoots' episode, from the 1970's TV series 'Kung Fu'. Caine (David Carradine) is disheartened over the hostility he has witnessed in the marketplace. Like most of us, Caine wishes for a world that only knows harmony. Yet Mas


Maafa 21 Part 7

Source: www.youtube.com
MAAFA 21 is a very carefully reasoned, well-produced expose of the abortion industry, racism and eugenics. It proves through innumerable sources that many founders of Planned Parenthood and other parts of the abortion movement were interested in killing off the black race in America and elsewhere.

The #1 Reason People Think Blacks Are Dumb 1/2

Source: www.youtube.com
Educate yourself, free your mind and your spirit, you are beautiful.
Via L.P.


Ritual to the NTRW

When you call on your ancestors in this ritual you ask that they manifest themselves from within you. Your relatives are already within you in your DNA. They want to help you. Activating them allows you to bring them alive and directly access their wisdom, strength, and energy. We suggest calling on your personal biological ancestors without referencing any general cultural ancestors like Malcolm X, Queen Nzinga, Sojourner Truth, and Marcus Garvey, etc. When calling on your ancestors and the Kemetic NTRW it's helpful to write a list of all their names and read the list in the appropriate place until you just naturally have them memorized.


Black and Missing but Not Forgotten