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Thursday, May 13, 2010


Tarzan fights two lions in 'Tarzan, the Ape Man' (1932). The same scene was used again in 'Tarzan Escapes' (1936), except it was later cut out of 'Tarzan Escapes' due to excessive violence. See how it could be edited back in today. ...
I learned about Africans from watching Tazan movies as child,seeing Africans portrayed this way made me and my friends not want to have anything to do with Africa,& Africans. It wasn't until much later in life that i was taught the great contributions Africans made on this planet. This is a failure of America education, not to show the best images of people that were already beaten down by slavery and oppression. This movie contribute to so much self hatred Black people have today. Seeing a white Jesus on the walls of almost every home that i went into,in the projects of Chicago,plus all the crime,and seeing a white man portrayed as the king of Africans in a movie,was some deep programming,and all the super hero cartons,Satan Claus,and all the movies that were on T.V.

Once i started doing research i come to find out the whole concept of the hero and savior had it's origin in Africa/Egypt/Kemet' HERU/HORUS' My parents were brain washed and never had all they needed to teach my family members,this is how is is for the majority of all Black people.My mother still don't know this information and will protect what black people were given in slavery to connect with what we call God.
This is called spiritual enslavement.

My main point here is that if you are the child of God and God is a part of you, the in your imagination God suppose to look like you. And when you accept a picture of the deity assigned to you by another people, you become the spiritual prisoners of that other people. John Henrik Clarke

Examining The Virgin Birth/Resurrection Story
The Ancient Egyptian/Christian Holy Families


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Black and Missing but Not Forgotten