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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Alan Watts: On Buddhism- Religion of No Religion

Source: www.youtube.com
This is an excerpt pulled from a 6 Cd set of Alan Watts Audi
��� Alan Watts: On Buddhism- Religion of No Religion
There is a poem on the edge which also was written by Bashô,when the lighting flashes how admiral the who does not think life is fleeting. You see um,the flash of a lightning is the Buddhist Clichés' for the transiency for the world. Your life goes by and it disappears as fast as a flash of lightning.'
That becomes a Clichés' so,all religion' all religious comments about life eventually becomes Clichés'Religion is always falling a part.' And becoming a certain kind of going through the 'motion.'

A kind of imitation of attitudes, as if one was to uh say we got a book called the imitation of Christ.' It's a terrible 'book.' uh,because everybody who imitates Christ is a kind of a fake Jesus.'
So in the same way there's kind of imitation Buddhist.'
Not just sitting on altars made of wood and gilded monasteries.'
So one might say then that the highest kind of religious or spiritual attainment has no,no, sign about it that it is religious or that it is spiritual.'

And so as a 'metaphor' for this,there was used in Buddhism from the very beginning the idea of the tracks of birds in the 'sky' They don't leave any tracks!
And so the way of the enlighten man is like a track of the bird in the sky.' And there's one poem a Chinese poem says, entering the forest he does not disturb a blade of 'grass' Entering the water he does not make a ripple.' in other words ,There is no 'sign' about him' to indicate that he is self -consciously religious.'


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