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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Door of Return pt2

Source: www.youtube.com
Sonny Abubadika Carson , Dr Jefferies, Dr Small, others from New York and a delegation from Jamaica returned the remains of ancestors to Ghana. The 'Door of No Return' was hence renamed 'The Door of Return'
Nationality John Henrik Clarke On Black NOT Being A Nationality.We area nation within a nation in this country,searching for a nationality' and once we find our nationality ,and serve that nationality,we will do for ourselves what needs to be done'. All ethnic groups in this country' understand,they got a nationality. Because yo...u answer to such stupid words like 'negro' and 'color' and black' you have no nationality!!! Negro is not an nationality!Some lazy portuguese or Spanish,to an adjective and made an noun out of it! colored is not an nationality! Black tell you how you look,but it don't tell you who you are'. THE NAME OF A PEOPLE,MUST RELATE THEM INSTANTANEOUSLY TO LAND HISTORY AND CULTURE! And any time you call a people,by their right name,any time you call a people,NAME of people and fail to relate them to,LAND, HISTORY,OR CULTURE,you have called them out of their name'. Ain't nothing wrong with word black'.nothing wrong with it at all'. Only it doesn't relate to a Country. The name of every people in the world,relate to country!!! and once you think instantaneously of land,you think of Nationality'. You belong to something big in the world' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj1x3aU6KAA

Nationalism: 1. desire for political independence; the desire to achieve political independence, especially by a country under foreign control or by a people with a separate identity and culture but no state of their own. 2. patriotism; proud loyalty and devotion to a nation. 3. excessive devotion to nation; excessive or fanatical devotion to a nation and its interests, often associated with a belief that one country is superior to all others.
African by naturehttp://africanbynature.com/glossary.html


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Black and Missing but Not Forgotten