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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lewis and Clark Explore the Louisiana Purchase - America's Manifest Destiny

Source: www.youtube.com
America's Manifest Destiny started with our acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase which basically doubled the size of the United States with a single stroke of a pen. This was the beginning of our expansionism that in the end left us controlling the best land in North America, which when combined wi...
Lewis and Clark Explore the Louisiana Purchase - America's Manifest Destiny:
Manifest Destiny started with our acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase
which basically doubled the size of the United States with a single
stroke of a pen. This was the beginning of our expansionism that in the
end left us controlling the best land in North America, which when
combined with our cunning and ingenuity, lead us to become the greatest
country on earth. This old movie starring Charlton Heston and that
other guy really tells it like it was. It even shows everyone saying the
Lords Prayer over their fallen comrade, which shows us that yes, this
country was founded as a Christian nation, and that those Christian
values have made us the great country that we are today. I didn't notice
any Muslims or Hindus in this movie, not that there's anything wrong
with being one of them, it's just that this country was not created
under the influence of those religions. Now back to America and our
cunning and ingenuity. This, the greatest country ever, was built by
hard working self-reliant Americans who fended for themselves and did
not rely on their government for handouts. They built this country up to
its greatness of today by working hard and inventing new ways to do
things in a more productive way. Hard working American were, are, the
backbone of this country, and without them we would be no better than
the rest of the mediocre countries in the world. Now some will say
that we stole this land from the American Indians, and to a certain
extent that is right, but just stealing something that is undeveloped
doesn't in itself make a great country, it is what you do with what you
have conquered that can make it a great country. For instance, if the
Mexicans today stole California, would that automatically mean that
California would become greater than it is right now? Of course not, and
in fact I bet that it would become worse. They would likely take the
great state of California and turn it into a wasteland like it was
before Americans took it over, and you can take that to the bank.


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