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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Special Investigation - Evolution

Source: www.youtube.com
One of the most fascinating things for me about the whole religion debate, is the quality of the arguments that come from the religious side in response to the atheist/anti-theist kickback of recent years. ...
A Time-Line Approach to Issues in Critical Thinkinghttp://www2.scc-fl.edu/asalmon/chronology_complete_version.htm

10 to 20 billion years ago. The universe, or the universe in its present form, begins in an explosion. George Gamow humorously calls this explosion the Big Bang. The phrase becomes popular.Cosmic evolution:

The atoms of your body are the same ones that were here 4.5 billion years ago. Your DNA and every living cell and every living being on Earth today has never died and has a continuous, unbroken link to the entire 3.5 billion year memory of evolving into what life is today.http://www.thread-of-awareness-in-chaos.com/fact3.html

The Genetic Code This is the first 60,000 'letters' of chromosome one of the draft public domain human genome, formatted in arbitrary 60 column lines. This represents a portion of the structure of the double helix DNA molecule.http://www.sacred-texts.com/dna/index.htm


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