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Friday, April 16, 2010

Watch The Ten Commandments Full Movie Part 1

Source: www.youtube.com
Full movie @ http://www.movie-planet.info Watch The Ten Commandments Full Movie Part 1
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIndoctrination is the process of inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology (see doctrine).[1] It is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned.[2] As such it is used pejoratively, often in the context of political opinions, theology or religious dogma. Instruction in the basic principles of science, in particular, can not properly be called indoctrination, in the sense that the fundamental principles of science call for critical self-evaluation and skeptical scrutiny of one's own ideas. In practice, however, a certain level of non-rational indoctrination, usually seen as miseducative, is invariably present.[3] The term is closely linked to socialization; in common discourse, indoctrination is often associated with negative connotations, while socialization refers to cultural or educational learning.

The Ten Commandments are a precis of the Declarations of Innocence which were an integral part of Nile Valley spiritual system. Many passages from the Bible are copies from Nile Valley writings that existed long before the time of the Bible.

There is compelling evidence for the conclusion of some authorities that Buddah was one of those Africans who lived in India long before the advent there of the Aryans and who provided many of the bases of Indian culture. An enquiring mind, which unfortunately is not to be associated with anyone who accepts the white supremacist worldview, ought to ask some obvious questions of documents easily available to all.

For example, what happened to Jesus Christ between the ages of 13, when he disappears from the Bible, and 33, when he reappears to begin his ministry? Other authorities say that he was in Kemet (Egypt) and India, where he learnt much. Certainly, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are built upon principles and often upon practices first observed by Africans in the Nile Valley thousands of years ago. These include the ideas of Resurrection, Heaven and Hell, Divine Judgement of the soul, the creation myth, divine conception, the trinity, and others.

Many of the big time spiritual heavyweights of Christianity and Islam turn out to have been at least heavily influenced by Africans. It will require more space than is available in this entire issue of Emancipation to merely discuss these normally unacknowledged religious borrowings and influences from Africans.

When the Emperor of the Roman Empire converted to Christianity, that reverberated throughout the territories under Roman control. In far too many cases, you either converted or faced death. That meant a widely enormous influence in Europe, which colonized the western world. When the Europeans settled in the Americas, they brought their religion with them. Practically everyone under their control had to convert to Christianity, sometimes by very brutal force, as witnessed during the Crusades and Inquisitions in Europe, and the genocide of Native Americans. Christianity, aided by Judaism, were in full control during the initiation of the Atlantic slave trade. Under the banner of Islam, approximately 1000 years before the Christians, the East Indian Ocean slave trade was created, and still exists today. Examining The Virgin Birth/Resurrection Storyhttp://www.africawithin.com/kwaku/virgin_birth.htm BIBST 702S:
The Ancient Egyptian/Christian Holy Families

The very thing that is now called the Christian religion was already in existence in Ancient Egypt, long before the adoption of the New Testament.

The British Egyptologist, Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, wrote in his book, The Gods of the Egyptians [1969],
The new religion (Christianity) which was preached there by St. Mark and his immediate followers, in all essentials so closely resembled that which was the outcome of the worship of Osiris, Isis, and Horus.

The similarities, noted by Budge and everyone who has compared the Egyptian Ausar/Auset/Heru (Osiris/Isis/Horus) allegory to the Gospel story, are striking. Both accounts are practically the same, e.g. the supernatural conception, the divine birth, the struggles against the enemy in the wilderness, and the resurrection from the dead to eternal life. The main difference between the “two versions”, is that the Gospel tale is considered historical and the Ausar/Auset/Heru (Osiris/Isis/Horus) cycle is an allegory.

Allegories are intentionally chosen as a means for communicating knowledge. Allegories dramatize cosmic laws, principles, processes, relationships and functions, and express them in a way easy to understand. Once the inner meanings of the allegories have been revealed, they become marvels of simultaneous scientific and philosophical completeness and conciseness. The more they are studied, the richer they become. The ‘inner dimension’ of the teachings embedded into each story make them capable of revealing several layers of knowledge, according to the stage of development of the listener. The “secrets” are revealed as one evolves higher.

The higher we get, the more we see. It is always there.
The Egyptians (Ancient and present-day Baladi) did/do not believe their allegories as historical facts. They believed IN them, in the sense that they believed in the truth beneath the stories.

The Christian religion threw away and lost the very soul of their meaning when it mistranslated the Ancient Egyptian allegorical language into alleged history, instead of viewing it as spiritual allegory. The result was a pathetic, blind faith in a kind of emotional and superstitious supernaturalism, and effectively aborted the real power of the story/allegory to transform the life of every individual.

Kemetic / Egyptian Origin of Christianity
Gerald Massey's comparative list of Kemetic / Egyptian (pre-Christian) religious-philosophical data, Christianized in the Canonical Gospels and the Book of Revelation.
One questions that always arise is: 'If Kemet / Egypt was so great what happened?'

The question is brief yet the answer takes days, weeks and even years to answer. What happened to Kemet / Egypt was not an overnight event but was a process of destruction resulting from the Aryan (European and Arab) onslaught lasting more than three thousand (3,000 years) - from 1,500 BCE till 1,500 AD. The onslaught continues to this day with a militarily defeated population having to endure invading predators digging over and for remains (read treasures) of the Kemet / Egyptian ancestors. In addition, having to endure identity theft of epic proportions against absurd claims that Kemet civilization was of Aryan (European, Arab [Semitic]) origins.

We now have the destroyers claiming to have created the very civilization they have, and continue, to destroy.

What a horror story!

Massey over the course of twenty or so years presented facts proving Christianity was fabricated upon what was stolen from Kemet / Egypt; and that Christianity was in no respect original or from any god.

The following excerpt from the appendix of Ancient Egypt the Light of the World is of the comparative list Massey compiled demonstrating that Christianity is a plagiarized fabrication from its Kemetic / Egyptian origins. The list is eight pages in length; however we are presenting only three of the eight pages. Hopefully you will acquire the publications of Gerald Massey and learn the truth about Kemet / Egypt and its impact on the fabrication of Christianity for yourself. Following the list is a short bibliography from which you can get more information.

Matthew 28:19-20 (New International Version)
19.Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'

When the Emperor of the Roman Empire converted to Christianity, that reverberated throughout the territories under Roman control. In far too many cases, you either converted or faced death. That meant a widely enormous influence in Europe, which colonized the western world. When the Europeans settled in the Americas, they brought their religion with them. Practically everyone under their control had to convert to Christianity, sometimes by very brutal force, as witnessed during the Crusades and Inquisitions in Europe, and the genocide of Native Americans. Christianity, aided by Judaism, were in full control during the initiation of the Atlantic slave trade. Under the banner of Islam, approximately 1000 years before the Christians, the East Indian Ocean slave trade was created, and still exists today.
Examining The Virgin Birth/Resurrection Storyhttp://www.africawithin.com/kwaku/virgin_birth.htm
BIBST 702S: PERSECUTION AND MARTYRDOM IN EARLY CHRISTIANITYhttp://users.drew.edu/~ddoughty/Christianorigins/persecutions/
Controlling the Human SpiritThe Inquisition and Slavery1250-1800by Helen Ellerbefrom The Dark Side of Christian Historyhttp://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/ellerbe0.htm

ROMANS WERE CONQUERS!!!!THE RELIGION UNDER THE ROMANShttp://sacred-texts.com/egy/emec/emec07.htm



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