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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is There Intelligent Life in the Universe? | Michio Kaku | Big Think

Source: bigthink.com
The distances separating the stars are so vast that it would take a very advanced civilization—perhaps thousands or even millions of years more advanced than ours—to bridge those distances. In other words, any extraterrestrial civilization that visited us, hypothetically or in reality, would be using a technology that we can only dream about here on planet Earth.

Most life forms in outer space are probably microbial, but a handful of them may be advanced enough to actually reach us. Now, from their perspective, we humans are the microbial life and we would simply not be that interesting to them. I think this is one reason aliens don’t come here and say, “Take me to your leader, Earth man.” An extremely advanced civilization visiting humans would almost be like humans going down to an ant hill and telling them: 'I bring you computers, I bring you nuclear power, I bring you knowledge…' Most of the time we simply step on them instead.

So why haven't they visited or conquered us? No one knows, but I think:
* There are plenty of uninhabited planets with valuable resources to exploit, so they will likely leave us alone. * They might be benevolent since they have had thousands to millions of years to work off their aggressive tendencies. * Most likely, we are not on their radar screen. We may be too insignificant for them to make formal contact.


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