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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Solar System - Size Of Planets and Stars to Scale

Source: www.youtube.com
music is from the movie 'The Island' composed by Steve Jablonsky 1. This Tongue Thing's Amazing 2. The Island Awaits You _____________________________________________ Pluto Mercury Mars Venus Earth ...
What would happen if there was no sun?

You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based
on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe.

-- Carl Sagan

The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics, but it is not the path to knowledge, and there's no place for it in the endeavor of science. We do not know beforehand where fundamental insights will arise from about our mysterious and lovely solar system. The history of our study of our solar system shows us clearly that accepted and conventional ideas are often wrong, and that fundamental insights can arise from the most unexpected sources.
-- Carl Sagan, Cosmos


And then when you
start looking at how the word S-O-N and S-U-N are interchangeable in
Christianity... and God knows there’s a lot of information on that. So
basically you boil down Christianity as sun worship / Astrology.

The Old
Testament is Astrology / sun worship. Yahweh, as I said, was associated
with the sun and the planet Saturn.

The Old Testament also
talks about God as being the Sun

Psalms 84:11 'the Lord God is a

'Deuteronomy 4:24 'For the LORD your God is a consuming fire,'
(the Sun is a consuming fire.)

Malachi 4:2 'the Sun of Righteousness...'Jesus
represents in the story a symbol. It’s a metaphor, and Jesus is a
metaphor for the sun. And so, boiling it down, Christianity is sun
worship based on astrology, because nobody owns the sun.

Africans don’t
own it, and we don’t own the sun, so obviously the sun belongs to God –
so it’s God’s sun [and/or son] and he’s the light of the world. Of
course the sun’s the light of the world. What else lights the world if
it’s not the sun? And he has twelve helpers.

Yeah, of course,
the twelve signs of the Zodiac, the twelve months of the year. He
is our risen savior.

Of course; it rises every morning about 5:30, and
the sun is your savior. If it don’t come up, we’re dead.

What would happen if there was no sun?

== A World Without Sun == Well, the sun's gravity holds us in orbit, so if it was gone, we'd go flying off into space. Also, there'd be no light, so no plants - no food chain. It'd be freezing cold. We'd all be dead. and if there i no sun the planets would just float every where == Answer == It would take about 8 minutes before we realized the sun was no longer producing light. I wonder how long it would take before the effect of no gravity from the sun would take place? Perhaps the Earth would form an orbit around Jupiter due to its large mass and gravitational pull. == Answer == At school I have to do a science project about what would happen if there were no sun. The three obvious answers are: 1. it would be totally dark, 2. it would be FREEZING, and 3. the trees wouldn't be able to grow because of photosynthesis, meaning no oxygen, which in turn, means we would all die of suffocation. :D But when you think about it, the sun is holding all the planets together, like a magnet, and the planets orbit around the sun, but can't actually 'float' away from the sun. But what if there was no sun? Perhaps all the planets would wander away and crash into each other? it is a possibility.. but we don't have to worry because our amazing sorce of light, heat, and oxygen is staying right where it is. :)

No Planets

The real answer is that there would be no Earth, or any other planets. The planets were formed as part of the same process that formed the Sun, in effect they are condensed of what remained of the dust cloud which collpased to form the Sun in the first place.

If the Sun were to suddenly dissapear, which would require some pretty advanced magic, then about 8 miuntes later we would notice that it had got very dark. That is if it were daylight on our side of the planet. On the night side the moon (if visible) would go-out, and the planets would dissapear one by one in turn as the light ran out. We woud be able to observe the anomalous apparent motion of the planets as this process occurred, as the Earth would cease to orbit the non-existent Sun. The planets would however appear to remain in thier usual position relative to each other while visible, as gravity fluctuations propagate at the sped of light too, so if we can see them, they are still subject to the Sun's graviational pull. We would be observing the effects of our motion relative to their 'proper' position. We would know we were no longer in orbit about the Sun.

We would not as many suppose be thrown off into space as the orbital attraction stopped. The motion of the Earth would change in response to the loss of the graviational accelleration, but we do not feel that in any case. The net forces acting on all the objects on the earth would change in exaclty the same way, and all change motion in exaclty the same way. So there would be no motion relative to each other. By now we would know the Sun was no longer there, and not for some reason stopped working! A little later, we would notice that the polar aurarae would cease as the solar wind would cease. This is the source of the electrically charged particles which interact with the Earth's magentic field to produce that effect. We would also lose the ozone layer which is created by the action of the Sun's light on the upper atmosphere. Photosynthesis woud obvioulsy stop, and the earth would cool rapidly, but we could thoeretically harness geothermal energy to provide enough heat and light to keep small enclaves of life going, most of life on the planet however would die, and very quickly too. A matter of a few weeks would kill all surface vegetaiton, and all larger animals would follow pretty soon. In fact many would die of cold in a few days.

Severe storms would result from the difference in cooling rates between land and sea. The sea would retain heat much longer than the land, and these temperature differences would cause strong winds. The land would soon be covered with a thick layer of snow. We would eventually reach a surface temperature too low to maintain a gaseous oxygen rich atmosphere. The low temperatures would in fact aid in the genertaion of energy from geothermal sources, but we would not be abe to survive on the surface, and we would have to develop some pretty clever technologies pretty quickly to take advantage of these energy sources. We would be uttelry dependent of these technologies.


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