J. Krishnamurti:All that I am trying to do is to help you to discern for yourself that there is no salvation outside of yourself, that no Master, no society, can save you; that no church, no ceremony, no prayer can break down your self-created limitations and restrictions; that only through your own strenuous awareness is there the comprehension of the real, the permanent. What is important is to know oneself, and not what is beyond oneself."Hidden Colors"- Religion
It's just been awful how they did us in religion. And our people tend to think that even those who feel that they know that white Americans have mistreating us"their grandchildren, their great grand children are still mistreating us in a lot of ways.
They still believe where but nobody would lie about god" when that's not true!...People who are trying to subjugate another people"and turn them into slaves"not just physically" but mentally"Then they certainly will try to teach them that God looks like me(white).
A lot of people say it doesn't matter what Jesus looked like" it doesn't matter what God look like"or other deity. But the thing is if it did not matter what Jesus looked like: why don't they show what the "original" paintings and pictures" of Jesus looked like?
Why don't they show the original paintings and pictures of the disciples looked like,because that's very important to know if doesn't matter."
When Michelangelo was told by the Pope to put the picture of the holy family on the roof of the chapel, Michelangelo said that the Pope specifically told him to make it European." Michelangelo explained to him that there are no models of a European holy family!...
We thought the only God we had was the one that the white people gave us which was Jesus okay,and he looked "them." And when we saw them "psychologically we would transfer that that was Deity(God).
If it really was not that important" what he looked like then why didn't he look like the majority of the people on the "earth?
Why would he look like the people who are the minority race on the entire "Earth? We're not the minority!...
People always ask me" why do the black church not get rid of the white Jesus,and put a blue black Jesus in place with a nappy head?
(answer) Because black people would stop going(to church)
And not only did they hide the colors of religious figures through out Europe" they would hide other very important people. Especially royalty because there was a strong African presence in Europe for a long time.
By: Lonnie Plaxico

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