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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Black Afrakans vs, Religion ROUND 4...The Haymaker [HD] Version

Source: www.youtube.com
In the case of religion where the theological concept is corrupt, and plagiarized, or where very rare reality occurs, the renderings given claim to be nothing more than misconceptions as to their meanings. ...
Like a child who lets another child detour them away from their parents,so our enemy who have now made them selfs the deity, and we have only listen to them and not our ancestor we are catching hell,and that's why we are catching hell. because we only have listen to the enemy who put in this,and not the ancestral call. thats what we have to connect with. We now see that the foundation of African spirituality started here(Africa)(Kemet) not Europe or (America)
Ashra Kwesi

The bible give instruction on the subject of conversion and what to do if someone try to give you their gods, (whom you and your fathers have not known), gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Africans have failed to do this,we now follow beliefs that come from invaders and conquers. We aren't listening to them.

John Henrik Clarke, (Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust: Slavery and the Rise of European Capitalism ), looks at the issue from another perspective which defines the problem, but excludes the cause (people in power 'writing history' for their own imperialistic purposes):
'Europeans not only began to colonize most of the world, they also colonized information about the world. They colonized the Bible.

They colonized all complimentary images that non-European people held of themselves. The most effective of all of these colonized images was their colonization of the image of God. Through missionaries, adventurers, free-booters and slave traders they began to propagate the concept that God favored them over other people. They were saying, in essence, that all Europeans were the chosen people of God. [...]

My main point here is that if you are the child of God and God is a part of you, the in your imagination God suppose to look like you. And when you accept a picture of the deity assigned to you by another people, you become the spiritual prisoners of that other people. John Henrik Clarke.

OSHO - 'Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy'
It was good of Friedrich Nietzsche to declare God dead – I declare that he has never been born. It is a created fiction, an invention, not a discovery. Do you understand the difference between invention and discovery?

A discovery is about truth, an invention is manufactured by you. It is man-manufactured fiction. Certainly it has given consolation, but consolation is not the right thing! Consolation is opium. It keeps you unaware of the reality, and life is flowing past you so quickly – seventy years will be gone soon. Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy, because the belief system becomes the barrier for your eyes, you cannot see the truth.

The very desire to find the truth disappears. But in the beginning it is bitter if all your belief systems are taken away from you. The fear and anxiety which you have been suppressing for millennia, which is there, very alive, will surface immediately.

No God can destroy it, only the search for truth and the experience of truth – not a belief – is capable of healing all your wounds, of making you a whole being. And the whole person is the holy person to me.

1) If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

Latter this was change in the new testament ,a cleaver trick to force everyone to become christian just because of what jesus said,even though jesus never wrote anything down,so we don't know what jesus said!!!!!

Matthew 28:19-20 (New International Version)
19.Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'

When the Emperor of the Roman Empire converted to Christianity, that reverberated throughout the territories under Roman control. In far too many cases, you either converted or faced death. That meant a widely enormous influence in Europe, which colonized the western world.

When the Europeans settled in the Americas, they brought their religion with them. Practically everyone under their control had to convert to Christianity, sometimes by very brutal force, as witnessed during the Crusades and Inquisitions in Europe, and the genocide of Native Americans. Christianity, aided by Judaism, were in full control during the initiation of the Atlantic slave trade. Under the banner of Islam, approximately 1000 years before the Christians, the East Indian Ocean slave trade was created, and still exists today.

Controlling the Human SpiritThe Inquisition and Slavery1250-1800

by Helen Ellerbe from
The Dark Side of Christian History


CHRISTIANITY UNDER THE ROMAN EMPERORS.http://sacred-texts.com/egy/emec/emec08.htm

Great Commission

The Great Commission, in Christian tradition, is the instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples, that they spread his teachings to all the nations of the world. It has become a tenet in Christian theology emphasizing mission work, evangelism, and baptism. It has been a primary basis for Christian missionary activity. Some Christian denominations believe that the Great Commission and other prophecy was fulfilled in the apostolic age (see Preterism).

Dr Clarke’s Words on HISTORY“

History is a clock that people use to tell there political and cultural time of day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on the map of human geography. History tells a people where they have been and what they have been, where they are and what they are. Most important, history tells a people where they still must go, what they still must be. The relationship of history to the people is the same as the relationship of a mother to her child.”

Dr. Clarke’s Words on the IMAGE of GOD“

My main point here is that if you are the child of God and God is a part of you, the in your imagination God suppose to look like you. And when you accept a picture of the deity assigned to you by another people, you become the spiritual prisoners of that other people

Dr. Clarke’s Words on LEADERSHIP“

I think every person that calls themselves a leader, a preacher, a policy maker of any kind should ask and answer the question in his own life time, how will my people stay on this earth? How will they be educated? How will they be schooled? How will they be housed? And how will they be defended? The answer to these questions will create the concept of enduring nationhood because it creates the concept of enduring responsibility. I am saying what ever the solution is, either we are in charge of our own destiny or we are not in charge. On that point we got to be clear, you either free or you a slave.”




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