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Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Source: www.youtube.com
DR. AMOS WILSON LECTURE http://www.watchitall.tv/ Analysis of the African American More Dr. Amos Wilson lectures posted under the user-name: WATCHINGTV07 In Honor of the Late Dr. Amos Wilson: Born: (1941) Deceased: (1995)

To a great extent ,many of the problems we suffer today is a result of the fact that we do not see ourself as a nation, and yet we complain about how we are segregated form everybody else. We complain about how we are not a part of the mainstream. How we are not apart,of the economy.

How we are shut out from the government and the political process. If we are not apart of these things,and yet these things are we what defines a nation,then we are not apart of the American 'nation'. That nation is a 'white' nation. We are than in effect , a t a defacto Nation, but we are afraid to recognize it. If we looked at ourselves as a nation,we see many of the reason where we are as a people. Why because ,if we looked at ourself as a nation ,we would see why we have the problems we have.

Why do we have some of the problems we have? For the same reasons other African nations have the problems they have. why? Because, we permit our resources,Human resources and material resources,to be used,by another people. we export them. We like any other African nation are a indebted nation' .We are over indebted! when we talk about the African nation suffering from being over burden by debt, we don't recognize we are talking about ourselves' when i ask here tonight,how many of us owes, another black institution,another black person major debt,we would get very few hands,but if i ask how many of us in this audience tonight owed a white person,a white institution ,a non African institution,great debt ,we probably all have to raise our hands.

If you recognize that than,and you add this up in terns as a nation,not just as yourself as an individual ,but if you look at all of us as individuals in terns of a nation,then as a nation we we owe an enormous debt to other people! And one of the reason why then,we are poverty stricken,is not because we don't have money' its because all of our money s being used,to service the debt that the nations owe! That the white nation,in America own.

And because we spend so much time,paying our installment plans,and paying our money out to these other nations of people,we can not save our money,we can not accumulate,and create wealth,so that we can employ ourselves as a people,so that we can support our families as a people,so that we can not build the schools we need to build to educate our child,THE WAY WE NEED TO EDUCATE THEM!( AS A PEOPLE)And and consequently we have the similar problems that other African nations have,or most where they can not build highways,or build schools,or build hospitals,or build institutions,communication systems,and other systems,because all of the wealth that they are generating is being exported out to Europeans nations and other nation to whom they owe debt!

But you can only see this, when you look at yourself as a nation,and when you look at yourself as a nation than,you can see that you can change this problem,by changing the debt relationship you have to other people. I was looking at an issues here, the other day when we were taking about looking at African nations as mono cultures' meaning that they often exist by shipping out one or two major products ,coco or coco-beans,or oil or gold,or something like that,and they ship these things out to what we call a buyers market '.

That is the peoples that they sale these produce to,SET THE PRICES,that they are going to pay for these products' So that many of these nations now, are being paid less,for their products than what they were paid thirty years ago! And yet ,the nations that buy their products ,and lower the prices on their products,are selling them back those products in process form,and selling them back their own products that have been manufactured here for higher and higher prices' And then we wonder why Africa is in debt !and why Africa is impoverished! But that is the result of the fact that their are caught up in a impoverished mechanism.

But we need not talk about the continental Africa,because we are in the same situation here today! African,the African American nation,is a (MONO CULTURE) What us the commodity that we sale? '(LABOR) We're not selling much manufacturing'. We're not selling much other products. The major commodities that we have to sale, was the commodity we were brought over here for in the first place ,and what was that? (LABOR) And now we are selling our labor ,in a buyers market. Meaning that the people who buy our labor,are buying it at the prices they set! And they keep devaluing ,the price,that they are willing to pay,for our labor! On top of devaluing the price,they're no longer demanding, the labor.

So after a while we wont be able to sale our labor at any price!!!! and we will be then totally deprived, as a people' And therefor we are caught,in a similar position. And just as there is social disorganization in the African nations,there is social disorganization in the American nation. You can not have your wealth flowing out of your nation,you can not enrich other people at the expense of yourself, and not have social disorganization. And that mean than if we look at ourselves as a nation,the African America Nation must do what all African Nations must do, We must capture our own internal resources'.

We must gain control of our own internal markets. We must trade within ourselves, as a people and a group,and generate wealth,within our own nation. As a means of counter balancing our dependence up on Europeans, and up o the white nations itself, But in order to do this,(WE MUST HAVE A NATION CONSCIOUSNESS) We must now organize and relate to ourselves, )AS A NATION OF PEOPLE)


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Black and Missing but Not Forgotten