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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lying Evangelist Exposed!

Source: www.youtube.com
Hugh Marjoe Ross Gortner, generally known as Marjoe Gortner (born January 14, 1944 in Long Beach, California), is a former evangelical minister who first gained a certain fame in the late 1940s and early ...
Biography of Religious Con-Man Marjoe Gortner

About the famous religious con-man Marjoe Gortner, history and biography of the man who exposed his scams.


Earthquake (1974) $6,666.67 per week

Marjoe Gortner (born January 14, 1944 in Long Beach, California) is a former evangelical minister who first gained a certain fame in the late 1940s and early to mid 1950s when he became the youngest ordained preacher at the age of four, and then outright notoriety in the 1970s when he starred in an Oscar-winning, behind-the-scenes documentary about the lucrative business of Pentecostal preaching. The name 'Marjoe' is a combination of the names 'Mary' and 'Joseph'

I really don't put it down. I never have. It's just that I analyze it and look at it from a very rational point of view. I don't see it as coming from God and say that at a certain point the Holy Spirit zaps you with a super whammy on the head and you've 'gone for tongues' and there is it. Tongues is a process that people build up to. Then, as you start to do something, just as when you practice the scales on the piano, you get better at it.

-- Marjoe Gortner, explaining that 'tongues' it's not a real language at all, and is not instantaneously manifested, as claimed by Fundamentalists, but must be actively acquired and requires much practice, quoted from Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman, Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Changes

Tongues is something you learn. It is a releasing that you teach yourself. You are told by your peers, the church, and the Bible -- if you accept it literally -- that the Holy Ghost spake in another tongue; you become convinced that it is the ultimate expression of the spirit flowing through you. The first time maybe you'll just go dut-dut-dut-dut, and that's about all that will get out. Then you'll hear other people and next night you may go dut-dut-dut-UM-dut-DEET-dut-dut, and it gets a little better. The next thing you know, it's ela-hando-satelay-eek-condele-mosandrey-aseya ... and it's a new language you've got down.

Pyle: Marjoe Says It Was Psychosomatic
'Television and movie actor Marjoe Gortner was ordained to preach at the age of four and was billed as a boy-wonder on the miracle-preaching circuit. He preached for years. Women would swoon and fall to the floor at his touch and his command. He says now that he was just 'acting,' and that while he could have made a lot of money in the healing-revival business, he became bitter about it all by the time he had reached seventeen, and realized what his mother had done to him. Yet great crowds had faith in his power to heal by the 'laying on of hands.' Marjoe laughs about it all and says it was all psychosomatic.'-- Hugh F Pyle, The Truth about Tongues

Marjoe Gortner Quote , If you're going to get into big time religion, these are the games you have to play. You go into itas a business and you work it as a business.

Marjoe Gortner Quote ,It's the same at a rock-and-roll concert. Youhave an opening number with a strong entrance;then you go through a lot of the old standards,building up to your hit song at the end.

Marjoe Gortner Quote ,During that moment the person forgets allabout his problems. He is surrounded bypeople whom he trusts and they're all saying,'We love you. It's okay. You're acceptedin Christ. We're with you, let it go, relax.

Marjoe Gortner Quote ,The people out there don't see it as entertainment,although that is in fact the way it is. Those peopledon't go to movies, they don't go to bars anddrink, they don't go to rock-and-roll concerts - buteveryone has to have an emotional release. So theygo to revivals and they dance around and talk in tongues.It's socially approved and that is their escape.

Marjoe Gortner Quote, It's the same whether you're a preacher,a lawyer or a salesman.

Marjoe Gortner Quote, You start off with a person's thought processesand then gradually sway him around to anotherway of thinking in a very short time.


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