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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Committed to self-defeating dogma; Dedicated Ignorance 1/

Source: www.youtube.com
What we all subtlety practice and don't even realize it. Although slavery in the US 'ended' in 1863? Africans in America practice what is aptly called dedicated ignorance. This clip and part 2 will hit the nail right on the head of exactly what this dedication is all about. Taken from 'War of t...
Committed to self-defeating dogma; Dedicated Ignorance 1/
And I heard a couple of ceo's say that YOU CAN NOT FIX A PROBLEM UNLESS YOU CAN PROPERLY EXPLAIN IT!...author jeremiah Camara

Ray Hagins:Aw man: before I get started I want everybody in the room to read what's inside this circle please' lets read it together.'
'The space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge.... All that I think I know about is depicted right here within this circle!
...I must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness!''
Does everybody understand that? (yes sir)One of the greatest pains that I go through as a teacher, is when I say something (that is outside your circumference of awareness)And you immediately retaliate against what I said,and you don't even know about what I said.'

You following me?
We have a disease that I call (DEDICATED IGNORANCE)(COMMITTED TO BEING UNAWARE OR UNINFORMED ABOUT SOMETHING) ok' and we need to get out of that,so that we can expand our horizons ( AND FREE OUR AFRICAN MINDS)especially when it comes to African history or Religion.'

Alright so I'm saying that now to let you know,If I say something today brothers and sisters and I promise you I'm going to do that!...
I'm going to say something that's outside of your real or awareness that's going to be offensive to some ,that is not my intent.' I did not come here today to offend any one!...
As my brother,I think it was Dr.Amos Wilson who said I only have one enemy' (THAT ENEMY IS RACISM)...

You are not my enemy and I'm not your enemy.' alright however many of us have been programmed to hate each other' you following what I'm saying? simply because you know we stuck outside what we think we know.So that's why I preference my lectures with this right here ok.
Moving ahead what is my objective for being here today?number one I did not come here from Missouri to impress you,I didn't come here to try to excite you thrill you spill you as we use to do in church.'

I came here today to set you free' that's what I'm here for. So the aim of this lecture is to begin the process family of undoing or reversing ideas and concepts that have been programmed into the minds of our people, by the religious statements and church doctrines, that have caused us as a people to adopt a belief system that has resulted in their loss of contact with what is real,factual,historical,and what's spiritual.
I'm a psychologist by profession' and when ever a patient,I find a patient who believes in something that is not factual ( PSYCHOSIS)believe it or not that's a psychological impairment.

'I'm serious about that'
The mind of most Afrikans is still limited by what Euro-centric historiographers have placed within it. e.g T.V., Movies,Video Games,Religion,School Curriculums,etc.... Who wrote it?
Now when I pause I want you to digest what I just said.Most of us believe it or not even a lot of us who are lock down dashiki up beaved and shelled all over the place and ankh down.You'd be surprised how many of us who look like that on the outside are still carrying a over abundance Euro-centric historiography up here.(mind)
Therefore as a result of what the European Euro-centric historiographers have placed in our minds,we Afrikans, everybody say 'COMPULSIVELY'

find a label within the parameters of their historiography to satisfy our need for identification.
What are you saying brother Ray? well COMPULSIVE behavior in mental health is called when you engage in a activity and you don't even realize you're doing it .' okay ' You don't even realize you're doing it.' for example now,can I go outside the circle now?

The goal of religion is to create a paralysis of analysis, in those of you who believe in it.'

what does that mean?THAT MEAN DON'T THINK!...okay,that's the goal of religion,To stop the thought process. To prevent you from using your critical thinking faculties!..
In the definition of its TRUE purpose ,religion may be defined as a cultural,psycho-philosophical vehicle of spiritual and intellectual enslavement which has as its end'
The cultural and racial superiority of the people who created it:

The paralysis of analysis by those who believe in it.

author jeremiah Camara It is a psychologically detached for a understanding of how to succeed and self manage ourselves in a natural word of reality, which is based on hard work,intelligence,knowledge ,discipline and practicality and we are oblivious to the law of information and as a consequence we now find ourselves in the position where we are now expecting and are depending on the miracle.'

the super natural' AND THE GODLEY INTERVENTION TO RESCUE US FROM THIS CRITICAL POSITION THAT WE FIND OURSELVES IN.' We're in to deep!... we went to far with it ,we became to obsessed with it,and we are in a sense are in our self made 'matrix' we have created the dynamic for our own destruction' OUR OBSESSION WITH RELIGION !.. OUR DEDICATION TO IGNORANCE...OUR COMMITMENT TO NON (ZERO-RESEARCH...OUR ACCEPTANCE OF OUR CONQUERS EURO-CENTRIC RELIGION' WE ALREADY HAVE HIS LANGUAGE AND HIS NAME,LETS NOT GIVE HIM OUR SPIRITUALITY to!...
So there's a lot of reasons why this thing is not working because nothing from nothing leaves nothing.'
author jeremiah Camarahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37Xc3wSDcSE&feature=PlayList&p=941C368D810E4CF6&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=24


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