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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stevie Wonder - I Can Only Be Me

Source: www.youtube.com
What is Culture - Dr.Marimba Ani
'Culture is a people's immune system'What does it do for us?
It brings us from chaos into order.' It brings order to chaos' Thats what culture does' culture is 'powerful' European understand that.' It binds us to each other ,it gives us identity .' It gives us a reason for surviving.' and then it tells us we should live for it and and we should die for it if we have to.' Culture is the energy source for thriving,and it gives us a sense of security' It also puts us into s system of account of ability' we are accountable to our ancestors.' Now when you're looking at all of that and its a template for living,then think about it.' And it is a petri dish,so that African culture becomes a it produces Africans'...It cultivate Africans'.... and no other culture can make that statement!... you hear me?


only African culture can do that.If we look at culture like that and see it as a means by which a people PROTECT THEMSELVES' then we could understand culture as the 'IMMUNE' system of a people.'

Stevie Wonder -

I Can Only Be Me Butterflies begin from having been another
As a child is born from being in a mother's womb
But how many times, have you wished you were some other
someone than who you are
Yet who's to say,that if all were uncovered
You will like what you see
You can only be you
As I can only be me

Flowers will not bloom until it is their season
As we would not be here, unless it was our destiny
But how many times, have you wished to be in spaces
Time places and what you were
Yet who's to say, with unfamiliar faces, You could anymore be
Loving you that you see
You can only be you
As I can only be
I can only be me


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