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Thursday, July 1, 2010

King Tut NYC Opening - April 23, 2010 - Today Show

Source: www.youtube.com
King Tut in New York City opening on the Today Show interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass and Mark Lach with Arts and Exhibitions International. An Exhibition from National Geographic. King Tut NYC at the Discovery Times Square Exposition April 23, 2010 - January 2, 2011.
TIMELINE :Egyptian - (Began 4,000 BCE) Christian - (Began 200 BCE)
TUTANKHAMUN AND THE TRINITY OF CHRIST26) Psalms 23:4 'Thy rod and thy staff.'Psalm 23:4 (King James Version)4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.Our history our culture our symbols are all over the word'but many of us don't know there ours! all of this! these concepts, begin with this concept,this story which is part history part mythology',but mythology is important because it represents a higher aspect of life'. myths are necessaryfor human kind to develop.Anthony T. BrowderThis is one of the most famous quotes in the Bible, and yet ... how many know that it refers to Pharoah of Egypt, and not Jesus
Kemetic / Egyptian Origin of ChristianityGerald Massey's comparative list of Kemetic / Egyptian (pre-Christian) religious-philosophical data, Christianized in the Canonical Gospels and the Book of Revelation.http://www.kemetway.com/massey2.html

Massey over the course of twenty or so years presented facts proving Christianity was fabricated upon what was stolen from Kemet / Egypt; and that Christianity was in no respect original or from any god. The following excerpt from the appendix of Ancient Egypt the Light of the World is of the comparative list Massey compiled demonstrating that Christianity is a plagiarized fabrication from its Kemetic / Egyptian origins. The list is eight pages in length; however we are presenting only three of the eight pages. Hopefully you will acquire the publications of Gerald Massey and learn the truth about Kemet / Egypt and its impact on the fabrication of Christianity for yourself. Following the list is a short bibliography from which you can get more information.Egyptian - (Began 4,000 BCE) Christian - (Began 200 BCE)

Kemetic / Egyptian Origin of ChristianityGerald Massey's comparative list of Kemetic / Egyptian (pre-Christian) religious-philosophical data, Christianized in the Canonical Gospels and the Book of Revelation.
One questions that always arise is: 'If Kemet / Egypt was so great what happened?' The question is brief yet the answer takes days, weeks and even years to answer. What happened to Kemet / Egypt was not an overnight event but was a process of destruction resulting from the Aryan (European and Arab) onslaught lasting more than three thousand (3,000 years) - from 1,500 BCE till 1,500 AD. The onslaught continues to this day with a militarily defeated population having to endure invading predators digging over and for remains (read treasures) of the Kemet / Egyptian ancestors. In addition, having to endure identity theft of epic proportions against absurd claims that Kemet civilization was of Aryan (European, Arab [Semitic]) origins. We now have the destroyers claiming to have created the very civilization they have, and continue, to destroy. What a horror story!

Ancient Egypt the Light of the World, Gerald Massey Each succeeding group of invaders, beginning with the Martu (erroneously called Assyrians), appropriated not only the material spoils of Kemet society, but in addition, the intellectual and technological spoils as well. We are talking about barbarian invaders setting themselves up as rulers and forging their domains on the spoils of the invaded. The fabrication of Christianity is one such example of a domain created by barbarian invaders on the spoils and demise of those from whom the foundation of Christianity was taken.

As a part of the process of domination each invading group claimed authorship of the knowledge base and technology they appropriated from their victims. Each one claimed what they fabricated to have no relationship whatsoever with the civilization / society of the invaded population. Christianity is espoused in this fashion.
That Christianity is but stolen Kemetic / Egyptian religious philosophy and spirituality, including its rituals and beliefs, reframed in an Aryan image is the subject of the following presentation.

Functions of myth
One of the foremost functions of myth is to establish models for behavior.The figures described in myth are often the result of circumstances which may have a moral interpretation. They are worthy role models of human beings because they embody certain combinations of human and animal traits. For example, the Centaur is part man, part beast. The upper body, being human is a symbol of rationality. The lower body, being of a horse is a symbol of animal instinct. The Centaur thus represents the uniquely human psychological challenge of animal instinct in relation to the rational mind. This example shows that myths are not only valuable due to cultural assumption (or 'spirituality'), but because they portray a set of symbols which can be interpreted morally. It is not necessary to introduce divine experience to explain these symbols, since a symbol is by definition a depiction of an idea in physical form. (bird = power, horse = beast, tree = knowledge).

Jiddu Krishnamurti - What do you mean by the future, what is future? If one is desperately ill, tomorrow has meaning; one may be healed by tomorrow. So one must ask, what is this sense of future? We know the past; we live in the past, which is the opposite movement; and the past, going through the present, modifying itself, moves to that which we call the future.

First of all, are we aware that we live in the past - the past that is always modifying itself, adjusting itself, expanding and contracting itself, but still the past - past experience, past knowledge, past understanding, past delight, the pleasure which has become the past?
The future is the past, modified. So one's hope of the future is still the past moving to what one considers to be the future. The mind never moves out of the past.

The future is always the mind acting, living, thinking in the past.
What is the past? It is one's racial inheritance, one's conditioning as Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Catholic, American and so on. It is the education one has received the hurts the delights, as remembrances. That is the past. That is one's consciousness. ?


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