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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Black Woman is Earth (Part 2 of 10)

Source: www.youtube.com
Part 1: Message to the Blackwoman Part 2: Your Nature Part 3: The Earth Concept Part 4: The Energy Cycle -- Resilience Part 5: The Carbon Cycle -- Physical Birth Part 6: The Nitrogen Cycle -- Mental Fertility Part 7: The Oxygen Cycle -- Nurturing Part 8: The Mineral Cycle -- Natural Communica...
The Black Woman is EarthThe Black Woman is Earth (Part 2 of 10)By TrueWise7
Its important to understand that everything has a nature.Your nature is what you are and that doesn't change.' How you act can change' You habits and opinions can change.the mask you wear can change.Yet your central nature is the aspect of you that can never be broken.The nature is the self' Knowing your nature therefore is knowledge of self.'

The nature of water is to flow.
The nature of a ball is to role.The nature of a magnet is to move around.The nature of a predator is to hunt.Why is it that when a animal is raised in a zoo and released out into the wild,it dies almost immediately.The reason is that it has been taught to live out side of its own nature,AND ANY BEING THAT ATTEMPTS TO LIVE OUTSIDE OF ITS NATURE IT BECAUSE MORE AND MORE DISCONNECTED WITH REALITY,AND EVENTUALLY IT DIES.

Humans has become detach from their nature,but here we will focus on one special kind of person' The black woman.' With all the struggle and pain the black woman has endured,the worst thing that ever happen to the black woman is her having no knowledge of self!...
When she does not know herself,she does not know her own nature' the result is hopelessness and inevitable death of her and her own people!...

The following is a list of important black females icons in history.'
All of these women were important and worth studying.' Yet ,why is it that the up-liftmenent of black women focuses on great rulers,emperors and warlords ? These black women achieved great power,but the roles that they played in their society tells us nothing about womanhood, and relatively there are very few of these women .'

Should we few there 20 or 30 individuals as the only important black women in history? No' there were and still are billions of important black women!...
The most important women were not the Egyptian queens!... they were the mother of civilization that made black society possible.'
The most important women were not the warlord!...They were the peace makers of the house holds could turn to for nurturing and comfort.' The most important black women are not usually famous!...

they're the ones behind the scenes who sacrifice the time and energy to keep our societies alive.' To raise our children and to support our men.'
A real tribute to black women hood must recognize the everyday common black women,her upliftment must emphasize her blackness and her women hood at the same time.'
Let turn our attention to the essence of the black woman.It is the same as the essence of the planet that we live on.This essence' this essential principle that's shared by both of them,It is the guiding nature to makes our planet the way it is and what the black women the way she is.It is the nature.'

This unifying principle, that we call the 'Earth'.
The Earth is the Mother of civilization.' We will now take some time to study in great detail the nature of the planet and the black woman.'


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Black and Missing but Not Forgotten