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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You don't even know what "big" is

Source: www.youtube.com
If you thought the Sun was big, then you are in for one heck of a reality check. The Music used in this video is from the anime 'Death Note'. It is the song titled 'Low of Solipsism' Sorry if this video/gif is already on YouTube, but I like the feel of the added music.
via: Nate Robinson: Question: You say that nobody can help us but ourselves. Do you not believe that the life of Christ was an atonement for our sins?...Do you not believe in the grace of God? Krishnamurti: These are words that I am afraid I do not understand. If you mean that another can save you, then I say that no one can save you. This idea that another can save you is a comfortable illusion. The greatness of man is that no one can help him or save him but man himself. You have the idea that an external God can show us the way through this conflicting labyrinth of life;that a teacher, a Saviour of man, can show us the way, can take us out, can lead us away from the prisons that we have created for ourselves. If anyone gives you freedom, beware of that person, for you will but create other prisons through your own lack of understanding. But if you question, if you are awake, alert,constantly aware of your action, then your life is harmonious; then your action is complete, for it is born out of creative harmony, and this is true fulfillment.Talk in the Colosseum, 1933, Oslo Norway


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