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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Trinicenter.com - Exposing Rome's papal geo-political supremacy - Part 1

Source: www.trinicenter.com
Now that the conclave of 115 Cardinals have elected German-Bavaria-born Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XV1) as the 265th Pope of the Catholic Church, certain aspects of the selection process need to be examined along with the exposure of the past geo-political supremacist history of the Church.
Exposing Rome's papal geo-political supremacy - Part 1 Colour of smoke does matter By Dr. Kwame Nantambu . Now that the conclave of 115 Cardinals have elected German-Bavaria-born Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XV1) as the 265th Pope of the Catholic Church, certain aspects of the selection process need to be examined along with the exposure of the past geo-political supremacist history of the Church.
At the outset, it must be noted that the modus operandi of the papal selection process dictates that when 'Black smoke rises from the chimney above the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican' it indicates a 'no choice' decision among the Cardinals; however, when White smoke rises , it indicates ' a choice' in the decision to select a new Pope.
In other words, the racist 'Black Box' syndrome/scenario/ mind-set in relation to a plane crash is visibly and deeply entrenched in the Euro- Vatican hierarchy.
The fact of the matter is that the papal decision-making process smacks of European supremacy at its zenith. . Ergo, the Euro-Roman Catholic Church is ossifying and perpetuating the supremacist notion that the colour Black is associated with any and everything that is ugly, sinful, powerless, negative, wrong, inferior, illegal and indecisive, while the colour White is associated with any and everything that is beautiful, pure, holy, powerful, superior ,legal, positive, right and decisive.
To all intent and purposes, the Vatican's zenophobic conclusion is that the colour Black is an aberration, anathema , anachronism, while the colour White is the norm, standard, model for effective religious governance.
This papal decision-making process supports the contention that Christianity/Roman Catholicism is one of the nine potent weapons in the armoury of Europeans to destroy, decimate and annihilate Afrikan peoples.If the Euro- Roman Catholic Church wants to shed this etnocentric label/image, then, during the selection for the next Pope, Red smoke should indicate a 'no choice' decision among the Cardinals and Green smoke should indicate 'Habemus papam, Habemus papam',--- 'we have a pope.'


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Black and Missing but Not Forgotten