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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Black babies used for alligator bait

Source: www.youtube.com
Americans used black children as alligator bait
Black babies used for alligator bait.'
been collecting artifacts,a matter of fact I've been collecting little
pencils like this,I've seen alligators on jars,I've seen alligator
ashtrays,and I've seen them depicted with kids in it.And I was wondering
why the children would be there as a matter of fact this particular
pencil sharpener,this is a pencil sharpener or a pencil holder,with a
black head of a baby sitting outside of its mouth.' I didn't pay
any attention,I have been collecting for quiet a few years and I have
the posters and things like that about different thing and then one day I
was down in Florida I'd going do with my wife and I took a trip for
myself,off to the wild blue yonder going out to hunt artifacts.

in my quest to hunt for artifacts I came upon a pawn shop in Sanford
Florida .In the pawn shop there was a gentlemen who owned it they went
and got him and told him I was there and I wanted to buy some of the
shackles he had hanging around the walls.' I asked him could I
buy them he said no' he didn't want to sell anything he just wanted me
to see it.' Then we begin to talk,and I asked him I said look please let
me buy something I got to take something from here. He says no I don't
want to sell anything but uh I'm going to the back and I'll sit down.

Mean while he came out and uh came back out and he began to talk to me he said you know'he said you probably don't know this .' He said but uh' he said years ago my great grand father before he died' told me of the things they would do.He
said he would go down,he said his grand father said they would go down
and they would take babies with them, I said what do you mean babies,he
said well let me tell you. He said the slave babies,the slaves who had babies they would steal the babies during the course of the day,some times when they mothers weren't watching them.I
said what do you mean babies,you mean babies like 5 or 6 years old,he
says no' these babies some would be infants,some would be a year old,he
said some would be toddlers,he said they would grab these children and
take them down to the swamps,and leave them in pins like little chicken

They would go down there at night,take these babies and
tie them up because they hunted the big bull alligators.These big bull
alligators were not raised on the farms,they were in the wild'these
alligators who weighed six,seven,eight hundred pounds,those is the ones
they wanted.They would skin them,make the wallets and get the
meat,do different things with them.He said but what they were doing
was,tie them up,put a rope around there neck and around their
torso,around here and tie it tight.

He said the babies ,and I said well what would the babies be doing,he said well my grand father said they'd be screaming .He
said what would you do. he said he just let them scream ,he said what
they were doing would help them to chum in the water.He said they would
throw the babies in tied to this rope,he said in a matter of minutes he
said the alligator were on them.' He said the alligator would
clamp his jaws on that child,as a matter of fact once he claimed on
them he was really swallowed,he said you couldn't see anything but the

And we would pull the alligator and tie his nose and hit him in
the head with an ax,a pick ax' He said we would then drag him to the
shore.We'd drag him to the shore and leave him let in,and we do
it again maybe two of three times a night.'

I said well what do you
mean,He said well they were taking these babies and killing them for
alligators bait' I said so all of these things I've been collecting,all
these things I've been collecting are really,really something that I can
really talk about,and say they are the truth by what you say?

said I'm telling you he said,no body wants to talk about it,he said I'm
only telling you because you're here,I may never hear from you again. he
said but these things actually depict the acts that they did to slave
babies back in the Bayou country and down south they did this.They
hunted alligator with these babies.That's why they're called alligator


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Black and Missing but Not Forgotten