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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

NEW JORDAN MAXWELL! - Awake and Aware in LA - MUST SEE!! 2/5

Source: www.youtube.com
http://mysticpolitics.com/ Jordan Maxwell Speaks at the Awake and Aware Expo in LA - September 20th, 2009. Presented under the fair use provision and consistent with US Law.
NEW JORDAN MAXWELL! - Awake and Aware in LA -
MUST SEE!! 2/5 admiralty law, and there is a whole world of knowledge that Christians have not been given about the scriptures, about who wrote the Bible, where it came from. I have found that even Judaism is not a B.C. [Ed ...note: “Before Christ” – now designated as B.C.E. or “Before Common Era”] religion. It did not exist in the B.C, you know. So, when we talk about ancient Jerusalem, there was no ancient Israel – Jerusalem, yes – but no ancient Israel.

So, when you think about how preachers and religious leaders talk about ancient Israel this and ancient Israel that, in point of fact Israel is not a B.C. religion. The whole concept of the Old Testament was developed right around the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th century A.D., [Ed note: Anno Domini, or “Year of Our Lord” – now called “the common era” and designated C.E., but begins dating from birth of Christ] so that the Old Testament is not an ancient record of an ancient people. There was no ancient Israel.

Two of the greatest scholars – archaeologists – in Israel have written a book called Unearthing the Bible. These two men, these two archaeologists, are the best
and the brightest of the archaeologists in Israel. In their book,
basically that’s what they’ve said.

There was no Moses. There was no
King Solomon. There was no King David. The entire thing was written probably in the 8th, 9th, and 10th Century A.D. in Europe, developed, and ultimately all of that was taken by the Jesuits and the Catholic Church and rewoven into a story and given to us today as an ancient Israel. There was no ancient Israel. It never existed. There was no Moses, there was no King Solomon. Solomon was Sol-om-on. Sol is Latin for the Sun; Om is the Hindu word for the creative force; and On is the name of the Sun in Egypt.

The Greeks call it Heliopolis, but the Egyptians called the City of the Sun On. Go look in the dictionary. Look up the word On. It will tell you it’s the City of the Sun in Egypt. This is why you flip a light-switch on, because it was
a city of light. So, you take Sol-om-on, the three names of the sun in
the ancient esoteric languages, it becomes Solomon. Even in the ancient Bibles, the old Bibles from the 12th, 13th, and 14th century, it didn’t say King David – it kept talking about King Druid. And incidentally, the system of government and laws that we live under today in America and in the Western world is a druidic system. America is a druidic country; Canada is druidic. Like I said, Western civilization is a druidic establishment.

The druids were a very powerful priesthood in Europe, even before the Roman Empire existed. They were the attorneys, the lawyers, the religious leaders, the politicians. It was called the druidic system. One of the most important symbols in the druidic system was a magic wand, like Merlin the Magician with his magic wand. Orchestra leaders and conductors use a magic wand. That’s a druid symbol. The druid symbol of the magic wand was made out of the wood of a Holly tree. It’s made out of Holly wood and the entire establishment – Hollywood – is a druidic system. So, if you don’t understand druidic symbols, you’ll never know what’s going on in Hollywood, and where they’re being financed, who’s financing them, and how this stuff really works in relation to government.

There’s an enormous amount of material out on the web showing pictures – from motion pictures – from five, six, seven years before 2001, before 9/11 in which 9/11 is in motion pictures, and the original film of Matrix. In the original Matrix movie, the star is given some kind of an affidavit to sign, which is his identification or something, and the camera zooms in on it for just a moment when he’s signing it. But if you stop the film, stop it and back it up and zoom in, you will see the document is about something that is going to happen. It says September 11, 2001.

And this was way before September 11th, before 9/11. Chris Carter. Classic example of what I’m talking about... Hollywood. Chris Carter, the creator of X-files. When X-files ended, Chris Carter, the producer, started a whole new television series called The Lone Gunmen. The very first movie was a lead-off movie for the new television series, and in that movie that came out right around February or March of 2001... February or March of 2001, Chris Carter’s new television show, called The Lone Gunmen, was started on Fox television. In the very first episode, it’s talking about how factions within the US government were going to fly 757s into the World Trade Center and knock them down, purposely, and in the movie, you’re seeing the planes going into the World Trade Center. That was back, you know, eight months before it even happened. Chris Carter is telling you something in the movie, and in the movie they ask: Well, why are these people in the government doing it? And one of the guys in government said: Because we need to control the Middle East.

We need to control the oil flow; we need to have a dominant place in the Middle East, so that we can promote wars, which is good for business and... But that’s in the movie, and it shows the planes going into the World Trade Center. General Electric. About three or four years before 9/11, General Electric came out with a refrigerator in Italy, and on the face of the refrigerator, painted, were two jets flying into the World Trade Center. It shows the World Trade Center and two big planes flying into them, and I have many, many pictures from Hollywood showing 9/11 jets flying into the World Trade Center. So, all I’m saying is that Hollywood knows what’s going on, and this whole thing is being orchestrated from behind the scenes to knock down the World Trade Center. The day it happened, I became so depressed, I just dropped out of speaking. I no longer toured, I no longer did radio, I no longer talked to anyone, and I’ve been out of commission for many years because 9/11 just shut me down. As far as I was concerned, I was through with America. I was through with all of it because any country that can buy three high-rises falling down into dust and not ask
any questions about that... I just gave up. [applause] [responding to
audience]: Yeah. Because I’m well aware of how governments work,
religions work, and banks. Well, let me give you an example.

There are only two things on the Earth; land and water. People live on land so the law of the land is the law of people who live on land. That’s why it’s called the law of the land. But the law of the land is different in every country because it’s the law of the people who live on the land. You can do things in Russia [that] you can’t do in America. You can do things in South Africa that you can’t do in China, so the law of the land is different in every country. But the law of water is the law of money – the cash flow, the liquid assets.

I’ll give you an example of how this works because when a ship pulls into harbor, it’s coming in on water and it’s going to bring products, so all ships by law must be female. This is why you will always hear a captain saying that she is a good ship. She is seaworthy. She, because all ships are female, and the reason why is because she produces the product. When a ship pulls into harbor, it parks at the dock.

Each piece coming off the ship has to have a Certificate of Manifest, and the ship – where it sits – is in its berth. So, when you were born, you came out of your mother’s water, so you have to have a birth certificate and it’s signed by the Doc and if you drop the car or the television, it’s a stillborn so you have to have a death certificate.
So your body... as a matter of fact, your body is a security on the New
York Stock Exchange. If you take your Social Security card – and I’m
not going to talk much more about this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVZkxWlERnY&feature=relatedAdd a


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